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Come here for big laugh! ABNN Ah Neh sneaked into Terracotta Warriors dressed up to be one of them! Modi's citizen defected to 秦始皇! GPGT!




2018-11-10 21:58:12 新浪看点 作者: 爱家爱旅游 我有话说






The man saw a sudden vision of the terracotta warriors and horses, and fixed his eyes, he was not calm.
2018-11-10 21:58:12 Sina Aspect of: love of family love travel I have something to say

Guide: The man saw a sudden vision of the terracotta warriors and horses, and fixed his eyes, he was not calm.

China's 5,000 years of history, a long history, left us with a heavy deposit of cultural relics. The Qin Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, etc. are all precious treasures left to future generations! They are the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients, but also the artistic treasures of Chinese culture and even world culture. Because of this, these precious historical years, we should be better protected and not allowed to be violated.

The man saw a sudden vision of the terracotta warriors and horses, and fixed his eyes, he was not calm.

Recently, a netizen has sunk his anecdote when he went to Shaanxi Xi'an Terracotta Warriors. At that time, the netizen was taking pictures, but at this moment, he suddenly found that one of the many terracotta warriors and horses seemed to be watching him here, and it was not the same as the surrounding terracotta warriors. The netizen thought it was his own eyes at first, but he looked at it for a while and found that this terracotta warrior was actually moving!

The man saw a sudden vision of the terracotta warriors and horses, and fixed his eyes, he was not calm.

Terracotta warriors will move! ? Haven't heard of it before, is it difficult to have something tricky? The man hurriedly informed the Terracotta Warriors and Horses staff. Who knows that the staff was even more surprised when they heard it. When they came to see it, they suddenly changed their faces. It turned out that this turned out to be a foreign man, dressed as a terracotta warrior, mixed into it. The man said that he is deeply infatuated with the terracotta warriors and horses. The dream is that one day, he can become one of them, standing in the vast military carriage and feeling the history of the sea.

The man saw a sudden vision of the terracotta warriors and horses, and fixed his eyes, he was not calm.

But ah, brothers, are you going to enter the terracotta warriors? At this time, one of the most valuable historical relics of our country, you can only go to the dispatched first to say sorry.

What do you think of such a wonderful man? Please leave a message below the comment area.

(Special statement: The content of the above article only represents the author's own opinion, does not represent Sina's point of view or position. If there is any content, copyright or other issues, please contact Sina's point of view within 30 days after the publication of the work.)


ABNN COUNTERFEITER Terracotta Warrior! KNN! Kiss My Ass!

哎呀! 妈的! 不行了! 笑死俺啦! 傻屄印度阿三! 吃饱撑着了! 跑去中国冒充兵马俑! 哎哟! 真傻屄! 不会去躺皇陵棺材里面冒充秦始皇不是更爽吗? 冒充兵马俑! 天下笑话!
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China is a great inspiring country that citizen of Modi so inspired to become warrior for ancient Chinese Emperor!



My suspicion this Ah Neh previous lifetime was a warrior under 秦始皇 and the Terracotta Warrior array had just reminded him tremendously of his hidden memory of glory and conquering wars, among these mighty troops, slaying enemies, perhaps that was where he died in that previous life. Some reason his reincarnation became Ah Neh. But he will put on his old uniform and rejoin his troops! FALL-IN for Master Parade!

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
I read about an Angmor kia did this prank more than 10 years ago. Ah neh did just copycat .. Too bad now they will use him as a Fleshlight in Chinese prison