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Chitchat COG at Istana - 3sep 1st time president present in the ceremony


Street performer? Why no empty box in front?
Let's give some respect this time round :cautious::rolleyes:
For decades in history and few hundreds of repeated events in history, it is the 1st time the president present in the ceremony for the finale.
This simple action alone can make me 另眼相看 mdm halimah because it means alot to the participants :geek:
Perhaps you might not feel reciprocated unless you have been the participant before :o-o:


Steady poon pipi.
Pengawan lama March off the istana with Sir March

Pengawan baru March into the istana.

Thanks for watching :biggrin:


Why so few people clap when she wave at the crowds? Means wat? Really xia suay...:

Maybe is most of the spectators are tourist and FTs so they doesn't know president is present ?

I believe she made the effort to request for this special presence. No other president of sg has ever present in the ceremony. They are always only inside the istana welcoming all the participants during cog but will not be outside the gate with the ceremony.
Halimah broke this tradition.
Sad to see the lack of enthusiasm in the crowd .

