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Coffee, tea or Richard Branson?


Sun Quan


Coffee, tea or Richard Branson?


It's the real deal. Virgin Atlantic founder Sir Richard Branson will serve on board AirAsia X flight as a 'stewardess' on May 1.

AirAsia chief executive officer Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes tweeted 'it's official', referring to the billionaire's latest date with AirAsia X.

'Special AirAsia X flight. Seats on sale at AirAsiaGo. All money (will go) to charity. DJ and Eddie Jordan will be performing,' he continued in his tweet.

Branson had lost a bet to Fernandes and was to serve as a 'stewardess' on the AirAsia X flight from London to Kuala Lumpur on Feb 21.

However, the date was put off after the billionaire injured his knee and could not put on the high heels to go with the stewardess outfit.

Branson, who owns the Virgin Racing Team, had bet that his cars would do better than the Lotus Racing team of Fernandes.

There are 3 `Branson packages' available for booking:
Package 1 : Richard Branson Charity Flight + Hotel Package + Charity Cocktail Evening (5,200 GBP)
Package 2 : Richard Branson Charity Flight (4,500GBP)
Package 3 : Charity Cocktail Evening (350 GBP)

All proceeds collected from the sale of seats will be donated to the beneficiaries identified by AirAsia & Virgin Unite (the non profit foundation of the Virgin Group).

Booking starts on 13 April 2011 at www.airasiago.com

Only 160 seats for the charity flight (Stansted to Kuala Lumpur) are up for grabs. So hurry!