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Serious CNN updates SG situation in latest report


Alfrescian (Inf)
It’s either PR or citizen. One can’t be both. Even this they can’t decipher.

They always mix pink and blue ICs when it comes to statistics for unpleasant truths. When it comes to the 'good' things they will brag and trumpet about how the pink ICs get more benefits, discounts etc.

Playing politics... and playing with fire. :cool:


They always mix pink and blue ICs when it comes to statistics for unpleasant truths. When it comes to the 'good' things they will brag and trumpet about how the pink ICs get more benefits, discounts etc.

Playing politics... and playing with fire. :cool:

Why cannot who is the King?

"There is one Singaporean/ Permanent Resident case."


For the migrant worker situation, I anticipate it will take another three to four weeks to reduce significantly," said Professor Teo Yik Yang, dean of the National University of Singapore's School of Public Health.

He pointed to the virus' reproduction rate -- meaning how many people infect each other. A rate of 1 means each infected person transmits the virus to one other person.
"If we start off with a base infection of 1,000 cases, even if we manage to bring down the reproductive rate to just 0.5, it will still take six to seven infection cycles (or serial intervals, each of four to five days), before we bring a base number of 1,000 down to single digits," he said.
KNN my uncle think he can tell this professor hoi you never continued to say a pandemic is started off with 1 person KNN are you fit to be a professor KNN