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Serious CNA Article Warns Sinkies Against Mahathir's Populist Promise Of Removing GST! Najib For PM Pls!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

HONG KONG: Mahathir Mohamad's shock Malaysian election win has raised concerns his populist promises could undermine economic prospects at an increasingly challenging time for emerging markets, despite hopes elsewhere he may revive his bold approach to economic management.

The Southeast Asian economy, while vulnerable in some areas, is widely seen as being in better shape than regional peers, the Philippines and Indonesia, which run current account deficits. Malaysia has also halved its budget deficit since the global financial crisis.

Its economy is one of the fastest in the world, growing at close to 6 per cent and its stock market in dollar terms is the second best performing in Asia. And a surge in crude prices to 3-1/2 year highs has helped the net energy exporter's income.

But the country may be left without key sources of revenue if Mahathir keeps his pledge to remove the goods and services tax and toll fees, bring back fuel subsidies and raise minimum wages. Protectionist overtures on Chinese infrastructure projects have also raised concerns about foreign investment.

Such a policy shift comes amid heightened fears about capital outflows following a rise in US Treasury yields.

"Some campaign promises, such as abolishing GST and reintroducing fuel subsidies, may boost consumption but, without offsetting measures, would adversely affect the country’s budget deficits and sovereign rating," said Eli Lee, head of investment strategy at Bank of Singapore.

"At a time of growing pressure on emerging markets currencies and bonds, the situation in Malaysia bears careful watching for potential knock-on effects."

Mahathir ruled Malaysia with an iron fist from 1981 to 2003. On Wednesday, his opposition coalition defeated his former mentee Prime Minister Najib Razak and the UMNO bloc, which has governed Malaysia for six decades.

Ratings agency Moody's was prompt in warning Mahathir's promises were credit negative for its A3 ratings if implemented without any other adjustments.

Local markets are closed for the week but a fall in the ringgit in offshore trading and a rise in the cost of insuring the country's debt showed investors are nervous about the country's first political change in six decades.

"This upset ranks up there with Brexit and Trump's election," said Aninda Mitra, senior sovereign analyst at BNY Mellon Investment Management. "I think there will be short term volatility."


While Malaysia's 6 per cent GST sparked large street protests when it was introduced in 2015, it helped mitigate a 30 per cent drop in oil revenues, pulling back the ringgit from 10-year lows.

Foreign investment has since returned as well, although largely fuelled by China's soft power push into Southeast Asia.

Projects such as the US$100 billion Forest City residential development near the Singapore border and the US$13 billion East Coast high-speed railway, part of Beijing's Belt and Road Initiative, were seen as boosting jobs, but prompted discontent about increasing Chinese influence.

While many analysts have criticised some of the Chinese projects as white elephants, investors now fear the billions they pencilled in from Beijing may not be forthcoming.

"The Sino-Malaysian relationship under Mahathir bears monitoring," said Sue Trinh, head of Asia FX strategy at RBC Capital Markets. "Mahathir has pledged that Chinese investment in Malaysia will face much greater scrutiny."

Additionally, Mahathir's promise to seek a royal pardon for jailed political leader Anwar Ibrahim, his one-time deputy whom he famously fell out with in 1998, and let him become prime minister, might also raise questions about policy, if it happens.

"The market is uncertain about (Anwar) and also whether he will take over the administration," Commerzbank analyst Charlie Lay said. "This election looked like the old UMNO versus the new UMNO. People don’t know where to put Anwar in that."


Despite the concerns, Mahathir has a record of bold measures that deliver. In the aftermath of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, he pulled Malaysia away from IMF-imposed austerity and slapped currency and capital controls, in moves that ultimately helped Malaysia endure a shallower loss of economic output than Indonesia, Thailand or South Korea.

His pledge to tackle corruption and nepotism raises hopes of a long-term fix of governance and public institutions.

A removal of GST and new subsidies may also boost consumption, which was at risk given Malaysia's high level of household debt. Morgan Stanley analysts remain overweight in sectors such as banks, healthcare and telecommunications.

Analysts at Fidelity International note during his first stint in power, Mahathir initiated many of the country's major infrastructure projects.

"We are looking at when to buy, given most of these pre-election promises are not adhered to," said Fidelity's head of Asian fixed income Bryan Collins.

"Back in the day, Mahathir was a pragmatic person and is less likely to completely close the economy."

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/new...in-raises-populist-economics-spectre-10221536


Actually there are alot of avenues mahatir can take. For example fuel subsidies. Most m&ds do tax returns unlike Singkies..the subsidies can be applied in the tax returns instead of at the pump whereby those undeserving get it too. cap the subsidies also to X amount of fuel per year for individual with car or bike etc. High income earners etc do not qualify. Also like regional area get more subsidies etc..can be done as computers are advanced now.

Gst can remain but will get back under tax return for poor low income workers..

This issues can be sorted out. But it depends on the political will.


dr M should learn from expert duterte. act poor act humble and all the humchee from trump to 11 will throw weapons, cash and even russian hookers to your feet, does duterte rob from the people to fork out wall street wolves and branded residences?


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
PAP doggie mouthpiece instructed by the top to inject fear to sinkies. Lol :biggrin:


Old Fart
Screw all those naysayers and pessimistic pricks. They would rather Najib remain and continue to bleed the country? Same tune sung by pap and their media prostitutes over and over, to make themselves indispensable and crucial to the country's survival and orderliness. Fucking lies. Yes there will probably be infighting in the days ahead but so what? The main aim is to slay Najib and BN first, then get down to fixing the country.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Mahathir got Mudland through the 1997 financial crisis without having to suffer the austerity measures put out by the IMF and pushed by the rating agencies. He asked sinkapore for help and the PAP tried to extract 10X more. Mahathir sent the PAP away and relations had been bad since then. Then Najib came along and the PAP promised to help him launder his ill-gained wealth ...PAP got so much from Najib.

Now, PAP is in panic as Mahathir takes over. All the dirty secret deals that PAP had with Najib will surface. Ties with Mudland will move back many steps. Pinky should fly north immediately and wash Mahathir's feet.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Actually there are alot of avenues mahatir can take. For example fuel subsidies. Most m&ds do tax returns unlike Singkies..the subsidies can be applied in the tax returns instead of at the pump whereby those undeserving get it too. cap the subsidies also to X amount of fuel per year for individual with car or bike etc. High income earners etc do not qualify. Also like regional area get more subsidies etc..can be done as computers are advanced now.

Gst can remain but will get back under tax return for poor low income workers..

This issues can be sorted out. But it depends on the political will.

It would be easier to organize another m&d pogrom of the jiuhu chinks. Money and women will flood the royal coffers once the jiuhu chinks' businesses and homes have been sacked and looted!