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Chua Soi Lek is New MCA Chief - Malaysia Boleh!


Alfrescian (Inf)
I just heard that the stud Chua Soi Lek has been elected the new head of the MCA by a narrow margin. It seems virility sells among M'sian Chinese.


Viagra Rules, OK ???

(Free Malaysia Today) - Dr Chua Soi Lek has been elected as the new MCA president while Liow Tiong Lai is the new deputy. Chua, the former deputy, garnered 901 votes while Ong Ka Ting received 833. Incumbent party president Ong Tee Keat managed to get 578 votes.

In the fight for the deputy president's post, Liow defeated Kong Cho Ha by receiving 1,171 votes compared with the latter's 1,106.

The four new vice-presidents are Dr Ng Yen Yen (1,528 votes), Donald Lim Siang Chai (1,469), Chor Chee Heung (1,202) and Gan Ping Sieu (1,202).

Immediately after the results were announced, both Chua and Liow - from opposing camps - said that they will work together for the party and thanked Tee Keat for his services.

The new leadership lineup in the second biggest party in the Barisan Nasional is likely to force Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to reshuffle his Cabinet with both Tee Keat and Kong looking to be the biggest casualties. Tee Keat is the transport minister while Kong is the housing and local government minister.

The reshuffle could also see Chua's return to the government. He was a former health minister and was forced to resign following his sex scandal in January 2008. He is presently the national coordinator for BN.

Counting of the votes ended at about 6.45pm and the results were announced at about 7pm.
