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Chiobu kenna mauled by female king kong while clubbing


Lieutenant General


Scrooball (clone)



Voir Valeisky
August 24 at 6:10 PM ·

I know that my injury post has gone “viral” in a not too good way because some articles were written to express my actual words in the wrong way. I would like to thank my friends and even strangers for speaking up for me in the comments, trying to fend off the nasty netizens, some of whom can’t even read a full article without fully understanding the entire situation before blasting off with a flurry of mean things to say.

For those who need a re affirmative, the purpose of my post isn’t to seek attention, (nobody will post such ugly photos/videos of themselves up to attract attention.. then it beats the purpose of using snow app to make myself look good in my other photos lol)

THE purpose of my video is I want my fellow singaporeans to know OUR LAW !!!
Many of us still live every day thinking that as long as we don’t retaliate in self defence we are not in the wrong and the perpetrator will get some form of punishment. But it’s not true!

She gets to walk because my injury is deemed “not fatal” and “merely superficial”, (my eyelid is inflamed now, idk how the doctor arrived at that diagnosis)

I am put on MC by another gp because he said as opposed to what the hospital doc claimed, my injury will take up to a month to fully recover. And because the human eyelid is thin and we blink all the time, it’s kinda inflamed due to the injury being inflicted by nails (bacteria) and there was blood.

It’s kind of sad to know that because she didnt kill me so she gets to continue living her life while I deal with the consequences of abiding the law.
So guys I hope this information can help u guys out somehow in the future. Some can say that I must have provoked her, let me just ask u a simple question, will u provoke someone who can knock ur lights out in one hit? Lmao.

For all of you clubbers, I am too old for that now but I hope this can help u because clubbing can be so rowdy.. guys please take care of your female friends. A girl’s face is really important. And the fact that I’m not married... haha.

Thank you all once again for ur kind concern and good advice on what I can do about the situation


hahhahah......sounds like those taiwanese movies where the old "sisters" go whack the young chiobu for hooking the husband....


dont b a twat.... you only see a small part of her forehead to judge her. how dare you. i m expert on this and i say without a full thorough check on every parts of her body, any judgment is inconclusive and misleading.

Scrooball (clone)

Forget the injuries just take a look at how she misrepresents her appearance with snapchat filters to hide her rough skin. She should be sued for false advertising.

Rough skin? Oh come on, u exaggerate.

Will u rather have the company of female king kong with a body mass equivalent to a gorilla and probably body odour?