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Chinese woman puts on 20 pieces of clothing at airport to avoid $335 baggage check-in fee



Chinese woman puts on 20 pieces of clothing at airport to avoid $335 baggage check-in fee​

Chinese woman puts on 20 pieces of clothing at airport to avoid $335 baggage check-in fee

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Published June 25, 2024
Updated June 26, 2024

Seasoned travellers would know the importance of packing light, especially if you want to avoid being charged for excess baggage weight.

However, if your luggage does end up being overweight, would you leave some items behind, or pay the extra fees?

For one Chinese woman, the answer was neither.

Instead, she came up with an unconventional, but also rather uncomfortable solution to the problem.

Last week, the woman was at the airport checking in for her flight from Xi'an, China to Kuala Lumpur when she realised that her carry-on luggage was overweight by 2kg.

She did not purchase check-in baggage, and was only allowed to take up to 9kg of carry-on luggage onto the plane.

To avoid paying 1,800 yuan (S$335) to check in her luggage, she decided to put on 20 pieces of clothing to minimise her carry-on weight.

You can see in the pics below her layering on multiple pairs of pants and tees, as well as stuffing clothing into her pockets.

While she managed to clear check-in, she was stopped at customs.

According to reports, airport authorities pulled her aside for a thorough inspection after noticing her unusually layered attire.

She was brought into a room where she was asked to remove the multiple layers of clothing for a thorough check.

After proving she wasn't concealing anything illegal, she was allowed to proceed to her flight without further issues.

Wonder if she adopted the same strategy for her return flight from KL.

Mission success Photos: singtao.com