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Chinese wisdom from Andy Xie on financial crisis


This guy was working here but unfortunately we lost this talent because some small-minded people at Morgan Stanley thought his frankness would have offended some of our leaders here. Truly a great loss.








  与之相反,经济学家熊彼特提出,经济衰退可被认为是“创造性破坏”(creative destruction),即经济衰退是淘汰弱者、为新企业赢得空间的过程。在他的理论中,经济衰退预示着进步和创新。政府为熨平经济波动实施干预,无法达到预期目的。尽管经济周期狂暴循环,19世纪繁荣的经济似乎支持了熊彼特的理论。


  在20世纪70年代的滞胀时期,流动性并不是经济管理的有效工具。工人们在预见到了货币增长带来的通货膨胀冲击后,要求提高工资以抵消通胀的影响,但是,工资的增长将立即传导至CPI,引发通胀抬头。货币扩张与通胀之间存在直接的传导路径。因此,中央银行放松银根仅仅会推高通胀,而无助于刺激需求。当沃尔克(Paul Volcker)担任美联储主席、大幅提高联邦基金利率以打击通胀后,滞胀时代结束了,他的举措也为后来低通胀时代的来临奠定了基础 。

  在格林斯潘接任美联储主席时,通胀预期较低。当格林斯潘增加货币供给后,货币首先流入了资产市场,引发资产通胀,并有效地刺激了需求的增加。由于来自发展中国家的逾10亿名工人融入全球经济体系,全球化拉长了低通胀时代延续的时间。金融市场逐步适应了格林斯潘流动性政策带来的效果。随着“银弹” 攻势重振经济后,大部分金融人士开始对流动性顶礼膜拜。



  尽管金融人士通常把流动性看做类似于“免费的钱”(free money),但事实上,它是一种短期债务。当有足够多的家庭或是企业愿意借款消费时,它就会发生作用;但当信贷泡沫破裂,不管利率多么低,都没有几个家庭或是企业再有借款的意愿。此时,流动性政策彻底失效。用货币经济学的术语描述,就是流动性增加而货币乘数缩小。




















As an economist he was no different to others. He got the gig here because they were luring provincial officials with looted millions to bank in singapore. He was silly enough to state the obvious - singapore a money laundering centre. Has been for years.

Suddenly you are hero worshipping this guy and this is not your first post on this subject.

The guy still can't get a gig outside China. This guy is no different from Tammy in NYP. Famous for all the wrong reasons.


using http://translate.google.com/translate_t?hl=en&sl=zh-CN&tl=en#
Look at the mobility policy, will only delay the response to the economic crisis and prolong the economic recession

Global economy is plunged into the abyss. In this crisis, people have high hopes for increased mobility. Over the past two months, China's substantial increase in the credit scale. Since November 2008, the Chinese stock market outperformed other markets about 40%. These attracted the attention of global investors.

Repeatedly because of the global market trends and the ups and downs in China. Investors clearly, the next economic upturn, even though I do not know yet when, in what manner, but is closely related with China is bound to. Few years because the United States still need to solve the "twin deficits" problem, Europe and Japan are still struggling with the aging problem, China seems to be to promote an economic upturn, the only hope.

However, the mobility of confidence and reliance on the table seems a bit wrong situation. Greenspan at time, liquidity has been given a magic power, financial practitioners spend a lot of time to discuss it, some people did not know what is in the end mobility.

Why liquidity policy failure

When the Central Bank declared that is injected liquidity to the market when it acquired certain financial assets, such as in cash to buy government bonds. When this operation is complete, its balance sheet changes took place: at the liability side, it owes the money to increase the financial system; in the asset side, it adds a more securities. Balance sheet of the financial system of record is exactly the opposite: have more money and fewer securities. The hands of an increase in currency, the financial system might be inclined to increase the loan, or buy more securities. The former will enhance the capacity of the borrower's expenditures, which will enhance the asset prices. Economists usually focus on the former, while the financial professionals are concerned about the latter.

Mobility of Keynes's writings by the beginning by the respected. Earlier, it was once equated with speculation. Cairns main concern is the frequent occurrence of the early 20th century the economic recession of how to stimulate demand. Liquidity is usually associated with the fiscal stimulus, for example, through the purchase of bonds to support the Government's fiscal deficit. Fiscal stimulus to support the main idea is that when a person losing their jobs, it has to do (even if he's the new job totally useless), so that he can rely on revenue expenditure, which lead to a series of economic activities. When the unemployment rate remains high, the deficit could play a role in the improvement.

In contrast, the economist, Schumpeter suggested that economic recession can be considered "creative destruction" (creative destruction), that is, out of economic recession are the weak, in order to win new business space. In his theory, the economic downturn indicates that progress and innovation. Pressing the Government to intervene in the implementation of economic fluctuations and can not achieve the desired objectives. Despite the violent cycle of the economic cycle, the 19th century would seem to support the economic prosperity of the Schumpeterian theory.

However, this world is not like Keynes or Schumpeter, as set out in black and white. When the economy is in a serious downturn, it will trigger a social revolution. The 20th century during the 30's and 40's revolution, and in 1929 the "Great Depression" is closely related to. In the harsh economic recession, the Government has the responsibility to stimulate economic growth, which Keynes was right. However, the fiscal stimulus should not play a role in the long term, excessive dependence on stimulus probably will lead to stagflation. Can also act as an economic recession will be poor performance eliminated the role of enterprises.

In the 20th century 70s stagflation period, liquidity is not an effective tool of economic management. Workers in the foreseeable growth in the monetary impact of inflation, or for higher wages to offset the effects of inflation, however, wage growth will immediately transfer to the CPI, the rise of inflation. Monetary expansion and inflation between the direct conduction path. Therefore, the central bank easing the money supply only push up inflation, and is not conducive to stimulate demand. When Volcker (Pa ul Volcker) as Federal Reserve Chairman, substantially increase the federal funds rate to combat inflation, stagflation the end of time, and his initiatives for the subsequent era of low inflation have laid a foundation.

Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan took over at the time, inflation is expected to be low. When Alan Greenspan to increase the money supply after the first currency into the asset markets and trigger the inflation of assets, and effectively stimulated demand. From developing countries because more than one billion workers into the global economic system, globalization and low inflation lengthen the time extension of time. Financial markets and gradually adapted to the Greenspan liquidity policy effects. With the "silver bullet" offensive to revive its economy, and the majority of the financial liquidity to pay homage to the beginning.

Since the current economic crisis in August 2007 after the outbreak, the central bank once again resorted to the mobility of a magic weapon as response measures. Expansionist policies of the mobility of the trust, improve confidence in financial markets, and in a few months to stabilize the market. However, in 2008, the beginning of this policy failure, increase liquidity and push up asset prices do not improve or needs. The global economy and financial markets into a vicious circle.

Why the mobility of the expansionist policies of this failure?

Even though people usually put the financial liquidity as similar to "free money" (free money), but in fact, it is a short-term debt. When there is enough for many home or business when the consumer is willing to lend, it will happen role; when the credit bubble burst, no matter how low interest rates, are not some home or business and then there is the will of the borrower. At this point, the mobility policy of complete failure. The terminology used to describe monetary economics is that the increase in monetary liquidity multiplier narrow.

Confidence in the strange or the strange wallet

Situation in China and the West different, in general, there is no high-leverage problem, especially in home department do not have much debt. This is when the Chinese when the global expansion of liquidity so the reasons for attention. China has to be translated into demand for mobility potential. However, the home department with the Chinese government departments, enterprises of the structural imbalance between the Department impede effective demand mobile aptitude transformation.

China's current trade surplus liquidity from the high. Because of China's central bank did not like before, the central issue tickets in order to hedge the trade surplus, at present, liquidity is concentrated in the banking system which, while the banks to accept the form of discount notes will be part of the funds goes to the state-owned enterprises. Because this form of lending rates are relatively low, the state-owned enterprises can save up the money and not have to worry about the cost, and even sometimes have a small profit. This in accounting on the banking system will lead to the rapid expansion of the balance sheet.

However, such loans in the short term will not be translated into demand. Most of the enterprises, in particular, are capital-intensive enterprises are faced with excess production capacity. For example, iron and steel enterprises have around 30% of excess production capacity; shipbuilding industry is facing substantial breach of Order, if not most, at least at home shipyard will face a lot of risk of insolvency. China's supply-side capacity surplus substantial backlog of too much inventory, if a bank loan to assist them to continue production, so that they can only be bogged down further. Increase in loans and should not promote economic recovery.

Lending to government projects to increase the effective demand. Fiscal stimulus has a multiplier effect of projects, bank loans can enlarge this effect. This year, the Chinese government produced a near 1 trillion yuan of the budget deficit (in 2009 GDP of about 3%). This policy will stimulate economic stabilization, but it will not push ahead with its return to high growth status.

The root cause of China's economic weakness lies in the export downturn and the real estate market bubble burst. The former is a global credit bubble burst the inevitable result. Globalization makes the transfer of production activities from developed to developing countries. In this context, the Bank of Western countries tolerate the existence of asset bubbles, making the Western consumers can enjoy the benefits of asset bubble, the maintenance of the past way of life, while ignoring the wages of its ability to support such a level of consumption. With the bursting of the bubble, and their export commodities from developing countries to demand their wages reduced to the extent of match.

cont' next post.


cont' from above.

Chinese real estate market bubble existence. In many cities, the average price per square meter per month about equal to or higher than 3 times the average wage, and started building the equivalent of the total housing stock of the current one-third. High prices and high volume of both the building situation, will certainly not sustainable. 2008 purchase of the former kind of strong demand for just a bubble situation, because consumer prices will further rise is expected to try to drive at high prices and not before, as soon as possible to buy a house, lock the risks.

Weak demand in order to solve the problem, the Chinese government must stimulate consumption to offset the impact of declining exports; to reduce the cost of real estate purchase in order to digest the current housing stock. These two problems are not resolved, the Chinese economy will not be able to reproduce the high-speed growth. The confidence of Chinese household consumption is not the reason for the relatively weak, in fact, low income, less the accumulation of wealth, are the real causes. The most rapid solution is, the government will hold shares of listed state-owned distribution to the public. This consumer is concerned, will have a strong short-term effects. With the rapid economic development to promote business improve profits, stock value, the effective demand of consumers will be further supported by continued economic prosperity and development of Driven.

Save the old foam with new foam can not be

In 1998, the Chinese government will publicly owned housing to low-cost symbolic sold to individuals, launched a reform of the housing system for the real estate market was laid the foundation for prosperity. If the government will give state-owned shares in the distribution of home department will ensure that a new round of economic growth in a decade.

How to allocate these shares? Government can select a state-owned banks, through the resident ID card number automatically for each of the residents to open accounts. Residents with ID card, to the designated bank branches to obtain any shares.

Some people feel that the poor people in access to the stock might be sold at low prices, this scene in the 20th century Russian staged 90s. However, in my opinion, China will not repeat the mistakes of Russia. Now, 10% of the Chinese people have a brokerage account at a time when Russia is only 0.5%. Now keen on Chinese stock exchanges, will carefully deal with the hands of holders of shares of state-owned enterprises. In addition, the state-owned enterprises can also be a dividend distribution, which will allow people to cherish the hands of more shares. I expect that a dividend distribution of measures, than those excess industry capacity of state-owned enterprises put a lot of money spent on network equipment, computers, equipment, etc. on a one-off items of expenditure, more conducive to promoting economic growth.

It was also suggested that state-owned shares should be used to replenish the social security fund. Lack of social security is also one of the reasons for weakness in consumption. But I doubt whether people will be kept in the social security fund of funds with their own pocket by equating the RMB. From developed countries, studies have shown that people in the former will make a 60% discount. Therefore, distributed to residents of the currency in your pocket, on the economy to promote the role will be more prominent.

To digest the existing stock of housing, per square meter per month purchase costs should be reduced to 1.5 times the average wage. At the international level, this is a low standard. However, taking into account that China will in the next 15 years or longer to maintain the high-speed economic growth, real estate prices can be higher than international standards. Purchase costs come down, the need to reduce prices and increase the tax incentives in two important ways same two-pronged approach.

Some people hope that the expansion of liquidity in asset markets can uplift prices, thus improving the economy, it is in fact equivalent to create a new bubble. At 2000 after the tech bubble burst, Greenspan is using this approach. Passage of time, the past glory of kawakamii start to become today's nightmare. Creating a new bubble to deal with the consequences of the old bubble burst, it is irresponsible, even for, nor should it.

I am worried that a repeat of this tragedy in China. In December 2008 and January 2009, some inflow of funds into the stock market in three months, the stock market rebounded by 40%, a record high recently. However, to blow during the recession and a stock market bubble, it is extremely difficult, in modern history, had not, at this time because speculators are taking profits Choose Express.

In addition, an attempt to push up through the speculative real estate market price Chinese practice, it is merely a "pipe dream." Currently under construction and completion of the housing, the largest number ever, even with the best policy mix, but also required a three-year time to digest.

China's economic problem is that the residents of weak demand, rooted in the population have low incomes, less wealth accumulation. While confidence is a significant factor, but not the most important factor. Over the past decade, the export of strong support for China's high investment. Today, our urgent hope that the residents can replace the demand for exports, investment benefit. The fastest solution is to the Government of the wealth distribution to the public. To rely on the mobility policy, will only delay the response to the economic crisis, the extension of economic recession. ■