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Raja Petra Kamarudin

Some of the names on these documents have been blacked out, for obvious reasons. Rest assured we have the un-blacked out version in our safekeeping, which can be revealed if the government challenges these documents as fakes, ‘poison pen’ letters, or lies. And if the IGP gets an extension on his contract, then the un-blacked out version will surely surface to ensure that we embarrass the Malaysian government to the maximum. The world will be told that the Chinese mafia runs the Malaysian Police Force.

""The IGP actually retired way back in September 2007. The Abdullah Badawi government, however, extended his service on contract basis for another two years. Those two years will expire in two weeks time on 14 September 2009. We hear the government wants to extend his contract, yet again. This means the Chinese underworld will continue to run the police force and decide on who gets transferred, promoted, demoted, and thrown into jail. Yes, they even throw police officers that do not 'cooperate' into jail. And, today, we offer the evidence of that.""



PAP honored the Malaysian IGP --pinned some medals a couple of weeks back.You think some connection there?

what a morale booster for the PIG (police inspector-general) and also served as an indirect warning to the oppositions in Malaysia. Don't play-play...

PAP and UMNO are the siamese twins. They nourished each other for their existence. Kill one of them and the other will die too. Now UMNO is besieged and cornered, what do you expect the PAP to do ?

Sadly, they still have their trump cards, the ISA.


what a morale booster for the PIG (police inspector-general) and also served as an indirect warning to the oppositions in Malaysia. Don't play-play...

PAP and UMNO are the siamese twins. They nourished each other for their existence. Kill one of them and the other will die too. Now UMNO is besieged and cornered, what do you expect the PAP to do ?

Sadly, they still have their trump cards, the ISA.

ISA is under beseige in Malaysia.Huge demonstration on the streets supported by PAS some weeks ago.Najib promised some amendments to ISA..PAP has to follow suit no doubt.

But ISA & ISD are political tools in both countries.Nothing to do with their police force.Police force only take orders from their Home Ministers to enact ISA.

And seriously doubt PAP is unkind to Malaysian oppositions.In fact PAP would love to see a politically divided Malaysia.Viz a viz Malaysia too.Lest we forget the Chinese centric DAP which now rules Penang State was originally the Malaysian branch of the PAP.Devan Nair founded DAP.

But agree with you that PAP and UMNO are the siamese twins.



<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="panel_headline" valign="top">匿名副官指控总警长涉及贪腐
“让黑社会控制警官升迁调动”</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="panel_author" valign="top"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="50"> <tbody><tr> <td align="left" valign="bottom">8月30日 上午 11点08分</td> <td align="right" valign="bottom">
</td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table style="margin: 3px auto auto;" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td class="panel_body" id="panel_body" valign="top"> <table class="pic-shadow" align="right" width="191" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td>


“我有亲身了解和经验,其中(慕沙)要求作为其副官的我,根据BK Tan(黑社会头目)的草案和建议,来汇整和协调类似的调动指令。”



<table class="pic-shadow" align="left" width="75" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td>
</td></tr></tbody></table>宣誓书也揭露,慕沙哈山曾下令属下设立部落格,指控当时的内政部副部长佐哈里(Johari Baharom,左图)涉嫌贪污。



<table class="pic-shadow" align="right" width="171" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td>
</td></tr></tbody></table>另一方面,这名匿名副官也多次指控慕沙涉及破坏前全国商业罪案调查组总监南利尤索夫(Ramli Yussof,右图)和其他警官对特定黑社会头目的调查。

他也指出,自己曾向许多重要人物揭露慕沙涉及贪腐的情节,其中包括当时的高阶警官,以及重要的政治人物,如佐哈里和国阵总秘书拉西(Radzi Sheikh Ahmad)。




<table class="pic-shadow" align="left" width="75" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td>







ISA is under beseige in Malaysia.Huge demonstration on the streets supported by PAS some weeks ago.Najib promised some amendments to ISA..PAP has to follow suit no doubt.

But ISA & ISD are political tools in both countries.Nothing to do with their police force.Police force only take orders from their Home Ministers to enact ISA.

And seriously doubt PAP is unkind to Malaysian oppositions.In fact PAP would love to see a politically divided Malaysia.Viz a viz Malaysia too.Lest we forget the Chinese centric DAP which now rules Penang State was originally the Malaysian branch of the PAP.Devan Nair founded DAP.

But agree with you that PAP and UMNO are the siamese twins.

You just contradicted yourself.

lky is afraid that UMNO falls. The pappies and UMNO are best friends. Their policy has always been to silence their people and to enrich themselves. Just look at the water deal. Only an idiot would agree to such a deal. And te malaysians who signed on those deals are not stupid. In return for signing those deals, they are paid handsomely by the pappies.

If the opposition comes to power, the pappies will have little control over Malaysian policies. All the talk about mahathir and lky being enemies is total bullshit. These two are busom buddies and have together enriched themselves and their cronies at the expense of each other's populace.

Do you know how much CPF is owed to malaysians working or who have worked in Singapore?

When lky went to malaysia recently, he visited the opposition for two purposes. To create tension amongst the opposition themselves and also to try and build bridges. But both allows him to strengthen UMNOs position. UMNO will now try to bing in other opposition parties into their wing to prevent a total loss of power.

Never trust a traitor and lky showed that by working for the kempetei he is indeed a traitor.


You just contradicted yourself.

lky is afraid that UMNO falls. The pappies and UMNO are best friends.signing those deals, they are paid handsomely by the pappies.

If the opposition comes to power, the pappies will have little control over Malaysian policies. All the talk about mahathir and lky being enemies is total bullshit. These two are busom buddies and have together enriched themselves and their cronies at the expense of each other's populace.

When lky went to malaysia recently, he visited the opposition for two purposes. To create tension amongst the opposition themselves and also to try and build bridges. But both allows him to strengthen UMNOs position. UMNO will now try to bing in other opposition parties into their wing to prevent a total loss of power.


<style></style>I agree with you that PAP & UMNO are birds of feathers but that does not translate to best of buddies either.History says so.UMNO & PAP had never seen eyes to eyes.Otherwise separation of SG & MY would have never occurred.Dr.M did said once that there are no permanent enemies or friends in politics.Thus strange bedfellows does sleep together when it suits them.

Malaysian politics is not LKY's cup of tea..LKY politicking and exposure is only limited to this tiny red dot..So don;t make him bigger than he actually is by suggesting that LKY can sway Malaysian politics or beat Malaysian oppositions into submission.In fact LKY is used as a boogey man or a scarecrow every now and than in Malaysian politics both by UMNO and Pakatan(PKR,PAS & DAP)...


In 2007, the Commercial Crime Division of Bukit Aman detained a few Chinese underworld bosses said to be linked to Malaysia’s IGP. One of those bosses, Goh Cheng Poh, filed a Writ against the government. The AG, however, refused to prepare an Affidavit in Reply -- meaning that the government would certainly lose its case and Goh Peng Poh would be allowed to walk free. What game was the AG playing? Was he shooting the ball into his own goal to assist the release of a Chinese underworld boss? See the unprecedented AG Chamber's letter to the Deputy Home Minister below.

Now that you have read the response of the AG's Chambers in the previous article (http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/26343/84/), read the opinion of a prominent lawyer with regards to this sordid affair where six police ofiicers were brought in on charges while the boss of the Chinese crime syndicate was instead released on the personal instructions of the Attorney General. Clearly the AG was kicking the ball into his own goal.