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Chinese dominance in world football has started.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yet this summer people flocked there from across the country. They came to watch an amateur football league involving 20 of the county’s villages. It had quickly become a phenomenon. ⁠

Bused there by the CCP regime like how gian png Sinkies are bused to PAP rallies for free gifts and meals? :rolleyes:

Keep shilling for that shitty country, The Economist. You, BlackRock and Sequoia Capital. :FU:


Obviously you haven't watch shaolin football, in a 1.3bil population, some chinese have supernatural senses allowing them to sense the ball.
With 1.8 billion and you can ot find the talent to win the cup?
Maybe if Xijinping promised them a gold hoard each if they win, then those talent would come out of the woodwork.