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China's rich & Taiwan's rich both eye Singapore as an insurance backup in case war between them breaks out


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

In one case, an entrepreneur was set on moving close to US$100 million in assets. Others, mostly “mid-tier” clients with an eight- to nine-figure net worth, have plans to set up headquarters for their businesses in Singapore, with the hope of securing residency.




Alfrescian (Inf)
For this to work, the PAP regime must publicly disavow the CCP regime. Break off diplomatic relations, chase those Tiongs out of 150 Tanglin Road.

There may come a time when having a relationship with the PRC incurs a liability which outweighs any perceived economic benefits... real men will do what is necessary. Let's see what those PAP technocrat eunuchs are made of. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Sinkies don't know how lucky they are to have the PAP. :cool:
and sinkies don’t need to pay 30% for foreign buyer stamp duty for a home. these wealthy foreign buyers will need to secure residency first before committing to a property in sg unless they’re from 4 other cuntries (america being 1 of 4). huat ah! otherwise, must resort to shenanigans (such as using a sinkie) to buy at not more than 6.9% stamp duty for 1st property.


For this to work, the PAP regime must publicly disavow the CCP regime. Break off diplomatic relations, chase those Tiongs out of 150 Tanglin Road.

There may come a time when having a relationship with the PRC incurs a liability which outweighs any perceived economic benefits... real men will do what is necessary. Let's see what those PAP technocrat eunuchs are made of. :cool:
But Clearly now it is not the time yet. The pains of having a PRC connection is still an asset. Economic benefits still abound. Much more.