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China's Done With U.S. Semiconductors, Japan Stocks Collapse As “Asian NATO” PM Wins

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Where are all the ACS ? Not condemning this fake news ? LOL

It has already been said many times about this bullshit news. Only retarded commiecunts still believe in this bullshit. Just like how flat earth believers believe in flat earth and how Islamist terrorists believe in pedophile Muhammad and man-made Allah.

Just look at how their CCP China-made C919 doing now.




It has already been said many times about this bullshit news. Only retarded commiecunts still believe in this bullshit. Just like how flat earth believers believe in flat earth and how Islamist terrorists believe in pedophile Muhammad and man-made Allah.

Just look at how their CCP China-made C919 doing now.
dude...it's just teething problems...they will catch up with the ang mors...if they don't get their act together

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
dude...it's just teething problems...they will catch up with the ang mors...if they don't get their act together
They can't. Making CPU/GPU chips is not like making chocolate chips. There are many specialised machines that only the west can provide and they are banned from selling to CCP and the likes. Even the current so called China-made chips which is old tech above 7 nano micron, still need those specialised machine from the west. China cannot make them and still need the west to provide maintenance and repair services. If those are also stop, then you can say bye bye to CCP China-made chips.

Only commiecunt simpletons think CCP can one stop shop. Even their bullshit CCP China-made airplane C919 were just only the shell made by CCP China. Many of the critical internal parts of the plane were imported from the west and only the west can provide the qualified spare parts. Without the west, the airplane is a flying tomb.
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