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China Tourists made use of 30 days free visa, broke into our houses and stole valuables



Man believed to be part of housebreaking syndicate arrested and charged​



SINGAPORE - A Chinese national believed to be part of a larger international housebreaking syndicate was arrested for his role in misappropriating valuables worth more than $183,000.

Wu Jinxing, 27, was charged on July 29 for one charge of dishonestly retaining properties.

It is believed other foreigners, who are yet to be arrested, are involved in the housebreaking operations.


Police told the media on Aug 2 that Wu was arrested along the Rail Corridor near a residential area in Bukit Sedap Road, following a report made by one of the victims on July 27.

He was caught while allegedly on the way to retrieving a part of his loot stashed near the forested area in the vicinity.

A day after he was caught at the Holland Drive area, Wu led the authorities to a hotel room near Geylang Road where another batch of valuables was found.


The loot included a Hermes Birkin handbag worth $75,000, three luxury watches and a stash of foreign currencies.


On Aug 2 at around 11am, investigation officers brought Wu back to the scene around Holland Drive to retrace his steps.
The officers first brought him to the site where he was arrested when he was allegedly in the midst of retrieving his loot on July 27, just behind a residential property.
Wu then led officers to an opening in the forested area about 300 metres further up the road, where he or his accomplices allegedly stashed another portion of valuables that were found on the same day.
His case will be heard in court on Aug 5.
The offence for dishonestly retaining stolen properties carries a sentence of up to five years’ jail, a fine, or both.
The police’s annual statistics found theft in dwelling cases dropped to 1,695 cases in 2023 compared to 1,729 cases in 2022.
More than half of the cases in 2023, or 854 instances, occurred on residential premises. Police said those cases typically involved items such cash, jewellery, mobile phones, branded bags and watches.


On July 30, two men were charged with housebreaking and theft after they allegedly broke into a condominium unit in Club Street on July 28.

The two men had purportedly stolen some $117,000 worth of cash and luxury goods, including two Rolex watches valued at $23,650 and $19,450, two sets of diamond earrings, luxury handbags, and around $50,000 in cash.

A 30-year-man was also arrested on July 28 for the offence of harbouring one of the two men. Police investigations are ongoing against him.


Old Fart
Landed property owners ought to invest in a good home security system. Remember our beloved pap loves to welcome foreign scum to our land.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Remember, this is not just some random lone wolf. They are bringing syndicates to this island. Don't be surprised if kidnapping for ransom incidents happen in future.


They should reinforce the security in Jurong East. We have a national artefact there. It must not be stolen or scratched.