Quote: Received_by_Kings
If Singapore people get into the same types of positions overseas would they not try to do the same as well?
No, not very likely, even in 1st world countries like US etc. Thats because most are too self serving to even consider their countrymen or would be too afraid of their jobs being snatched away.
For 3rd world countries, most wouldn't even consider and would laugh in front of your face for even suggesting that. So no whether for 1st or 3rd world countries, Singaporeans will very rarely bring their own kind just because of nationality consideration. They would however not hesitate to hire other nationalities on the merit of their experience/exposure, etc. I find Singaporeans are on the whole, pretty fair minded people except for the selfish bit amongst some groups.
The thing is, these jobs should go to the locals who has a bigger stake in the country and nation. Like some ministers said when confronted about the most important asset in the country(not the losses made by our dear Ms Ho), its the people.
We are slowly experiencing a brain drain and experience drain as well. This is as since now even supervisory and management jobs are being given systematically to foreigners without even due consideration for the locals. Where do the local learn then? From the foreigners? Where do we as a society progress?
No doubt foreigners do not do NS or can have the option not to.
No doubt they may have hidden talents.
There is also no doubt that the majority of these people will pack up, leave at the first sign of trouble or when their real hinterland calls.
BUT, in the whole world, all countries takes care of their people, no exceptions perharps maybe for Communist or countries run by dictators. A country first obligation should be to its people but now things are done the other way, we are asked to forbear when they want us to speak mandarin and turn the other cheek. Now we are even asked to thank the very people who are taking our jobs away?
What happens when one day they leave? Other than making them stay, we should start with sieving out those who are here just for a ride and taking advantage of the kindness and naivety of our government.
What happens when one day, when economy does not do well, they have little to lose and much to gain by going back with the savings and earnings they have made here. Leaving our government high and dry. What will become of the island nation then with an under-developed workforce, educated but lacking in experience/exposure.
Lets not forget that not so many years ago, they were jeering at those citizens who left the country, calling them "quitters", now they are trying to "keep in touch" with them.
Maybe those in foreign land do seem to be better, maybe after being in foreign lands and seeing the moon over there, suddenly these Singaporeans are "valued sons" rather than prodigal ones. No, its because of their expertise, their brains/guts and their skillsets and exposure that made them valuable in the eyes of the country. Rather than trying to scoop back water that was thrown out from a pail, why not treasure the ones that are still in the pail?
Why are the people on top in such a hurry to cause the extinction or the crowding/marginalization of their fellow countrymen? Maybe when they themselves lose their jobs as a result of their own myopic policies will they learn the errors of their ways. I fear it is starting to be too late already.
My heart still bleeds for the country but just as the silly warbler(a kind of bird) takes care of a cuckoo's young, literally raising the offspring of another while their own flesh and blood languishes, so too are our government ignoring its own flesh and blood in favour of cheaper better and faster cuckoo eggs.