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China Pharmacies are empty, 空空的,啥都没有



‘No ibuprofen, no aspirin, absolutely nothing’: China’s COVID-19 patients feel pain of drugs shortage​

Many Chinese are struggling as the latest COVID-19 surge triggers widespread medicine shortages.


Alfrescian (Inf)

‘No ibuprofen, no aspirin, absolutely nothing’: China’s COVID-19 patients feel pain of drugs shortage​

Many Chinese are struggling as the latest COVID-19 surge triggers widespread medicine shortages.

They should stop worrying about anti-fever drugs and instead get their post-death affairs sorted now. Book a crematorium slot, finish up a legal will, sell their possessions etc. :cool:


I want to know if MOE allows students to write this word 啥都没有? will MOE penalise students ? Should students only write 什么都没有 instead of 啥都没有? Any Chinese language expert here to explain ?

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
The chinks are damm fickle minded. Under strict laws they protest. Now relax they also complain. Mutts don’t have this problem. Either way they lepak.


Alfrescian (Inf)
I want to know if MOE allows students to write this word 啥都没有? will MOE penalise students ? Should students only write 什么都没有 instead of 啥都没有? Any Chinese language expert here to explain ?
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The chinks are damm fickle minded. Under strict laws they protest. Now relax they also complain. Mutts don’t have this problem. Either way they lepak.
Chink need another Japanese type Nanjing mass killing to stop the spread... stupid chink Qing Dynasty mental health problem...


Alfrescian (Inf)
The chinks are damm fickle minded. Under strict laws they protest. Now relax they also complain. Mutts don’t have this problem. Either way they lepak.

They're like Sinkies, gaslighted into hypochondriacs over the past couple of years. Observe the crowded hospitals and clinics, and the belief in wearing a mask. :roflmao: