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China must not fall for Dotard's call for Stop Playing Nuke Arms Race, and Must UP THE GAME BIG TIME! - Media Urge Xijinping to fuck peace!

Tony Tan

In my own view, China have to bleed and carnage Chow Ang Moh like dirt and show the barbarism from 5000 years of carnage and war history. Take a good pee on peace and wipe out their population whole scale. The existence and possession over global resources is live and death and definitely no co-existence nor peace for any consideration.


媒体:中国须拒绝美拉我核裁军 反而亟需提升核武规模

2019年04月29日 07:48 环球时报



Media: China must reject the US nuclear disarmament, but it is urgent to increase the scale of nuclear weapons

April 29, 2019 07:48 Global Times


Original title: Social comment: China must reject any thoughts of Myra's nuclear disarmament

A number of White House officials told US media that President Trump is preparing not to renew the US-Russia "New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty" that will expire in 2021. Washington wants to promote a new "reduction strategy" including China. Weapons Treaty. After the United States withdraws from the "Guidelines on the Guided Treaty," the Trump administration is treating the only remaining Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty between the United States and Russia in the same way.

Restricting China's development strategy Nuclear power is one of the main purposes of the US strategy. Washington hopes to use the power of Moscow and the international (mainly Western) public opinion forces to exert pressure on Beijing to ensure that China will be put on the spell early.

On the issue of the "Guidelines on the Treaty", Moscow publicly rejected the proposal that the United States wants to pull up China to talk together, because the US proposal does not make sense. The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty limits the number of US and Russian nuclear warheads and means of delivery. It is even more ridiculous to pull China in.

The number of nuclear warheads in China has not been disclosed, but it is not known to be an order of magnitude compared to the number of US and Russian nuclear warheads. According to an estimate released by the Union of American Scientists recently, the number of Chinese nuclear warheads will be 280 by 2018, and the United States and Russia will each have 6,450 and 6,490. Letting China participate in the nuclear disarmament of the United States and Russia is equivalent to letting a child participate in the reduction of the strength of adult warriors.

China must not hesitate to reject any attempt by the United States to promote this idea, no matter what the US has invested in such an attempt. We can't be fooled by Washington's rhetoric or bait, nor can it be plagued by the pressure it might impose on it in the future. We must be steadfast in the implementation of our strategic nuclear power plan.

In recent years, China’s military strength has achieved rapid development, which has made us have more choices in our strategic toolbox. However, it must be pointed out that nuclear power remains the most fundamental strategic tool and the fundamental support for the country to strengthen its strategic will at a critical juncture. China's strategic nuclear power has always been at the minimum level needed to protect national security. Once it has any weakening, our strategic will has the risk of being crushed at a critical juncture. Such a possibility must be ruled out 100%.

It needs to be seen that China not only maintains a low level of nuclear arsenal, but also is the only nuclear power that makes a commitment not to use nuclear weapons first, which further limits China’s nuclear deterrence. In theory, China has the same number of nuclear warheads and delivery vehicles as countries that have not made this commitment, and the resulting nuclear shock is different. In this case, Washington still wants to pull China into the US-Russian nuclear disarmament. This is a strategic greed.

The Chinese also need to clearly understand that a deep part of the US strategic arrogance toward China is the difference between China's strategic nuclear power and its magnitude. If China’s nuclear warheads are on the order of thousands of pieces, the United States will never dare to engage in such a frivolous “free voyage” in the South China Sea, and its performance in the Taiwan Strait will be much more restrained.

We believe that China should increase the intensity and quality of its strategic nuclear forces, and as China's security situation becomes more urgent, this work cannot be delayed, and other considerations should give way. The fundamental guarantee for preventing external forces from threatening China with military showdowns at critical moments is to strengthen nuclear power. All other forces can only play a part. In this regard, we must have a very clear understanding, and must not be confused by the achievements of the sea and air force.

Other forces are built to calculate costs, and only strategic nuclear forces can be built without considering cost factors. The idea that the nuclear weapon is "sufficient to use" must constantly compare the real security situation of the country and fully clarify the concept of what is "enough".

Let the United States not dare to launch a nuclear war against China. This is an "enough". Letting the United States not dare to launch a conventional war against China is another "enough". Letting the United States even dare to do military provocations, automatically away from China’s core interests, is a higher level of "enough". If nuclear weapons can participate in shaping the attitude of American society towards China, the requirements are even higher.

As the world's strongest nuclear power, the United States has increased its defense budget by 5% in 2020, of which $25 billion is used to produce nuclear weapons and respond to "threat including China's nuclear weapons." It is not difficult to see that there is a big gap between the US and China's understanding of the "enough use" of nuclear weapons.

It is not realistic that China does not have to mark the United States on the issue of nuclear weapons. But China’s nuclear forces must be enough to contain any thoughts of the American hawks’ strategic venture against China. This should be the "lowest level" of China's nuclear power.

Tony Tan

Putin shows S-300 mass production line, telling every 1B1R to come and order ASAP!



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2019.04.29 11:36:42

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俄罗斯近日曝光了一组48N6防空导弹生产车间的照片。 48N6系列导弹使用惯性指令+TVM终端诱导,射程达200至300公里,并具有迎击中程弹道导弹的能力,是俄罗斯S-300和S-400防空系统所采用的导弹之一。(来源:电波震长空XYY)


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2019.04.29 11:36:42

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  • 新浪军事深度:近日,俄军S-400防空系统再度成为外界关注的焦点。据俄罗斯媒体的报道,上周四,S-400配属的40N6型超远程防空导弹完成试验,预计将于今夏晚些时间服役。40N6射程400千米(外销型号380千米),虽未服役,但它的400千米射程一直是S-400的“代名词”。由于中国已经引进S-400防空系统,40N6这样一款大威力导弹会否和S-400一起卖到中国自然是外界关注的焦点。这个答案相信随着未来S-400在解放军服役的画面曝光将会随之揭开,该怎么看呢?今天,北国防务就教大家一个“小窍门”。

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一般认为40N6和9M96系列、48N6系列一样是“火炬”机械设计局的产品,如果属实的话,那么40N6的研发可以追溯到苏联时期。在上世纪80年代,“火炬”设计局接到了研制射程400千米防空导弹的任务,与此同时,他们还在为S-300PM研制48N6导弹。当时“火炬”机械设计局的功勋人物彼得·格鲁申依然在世,他和同事发现48N6导弹在射程上的提高还是有潜力的。他们的想法是进一步提高导弹飞行弹道的最高点以获得更大的射程,为此“火炬”机械设计局专门改进了一枚48N6,试验中导弹飞行到了70千米高空后击中了327千米外的目标,这有可能就是40N6导弹的前身 。

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提起400公里,很多人就觉得是俄罗斯人在“吹牛”,其实这个实在没必要太纠结,俄方已经明确指出,400公里的射程主要是针对预警机、指挥机、干扰机、战略侦察机以及巡航导弹等精确制导武器载机等大型空中平台,对付此类目标不能说无用。据北国防务得到的信息,在测试中,40N6对空气动力目标的射程确实可以达到400千米(出口型号为380千米)、对巡航导弹的射程超过 45 千米、对弹道导弹的射程超过 70 千米(俄为出口型号标示的射程为60千米)。此外,俄军从2013年就已经开始试用40N6。40N6毕竟传说了太久,或许有人会怀疑40N6是否真的已经完成试验。现在来看可信度还是很高的,上个月俄媒体走进S-400的生产厂家时,拍到将使用40N6导弹的51P6发射车下线图片,这无疑是一个有力的信号。回到开头的问题,怎么看中国有没引进40N6导弹?如前文所述,未来大家只要看发射车车头就懂了。(作者署名:北国防务)

Advocating for export sales? Russia self-exposed S300 anti-aircraft missile manufacturing workshop

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2019.04.29 11:36:42

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Russia has recently exposed photos of a 48N6 air defense missile production workshop. The 48N6 series missiles are induced by inertial command + TVM terminal, with a range of 200 to 300 kilometers, and have the ability to meet medium-range ballistic missiles. They are one of the missiles used by the Russian S-300 and S-400 air defense systems. (Source: Radio Wave Long Sky XYY)

Advocating for export sales? Russia self-exposed S300 anti-aircraft missile manufacturing workshop

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2019.04.29 11:36:42

Sina military depth: Recently, the Russian military S-400 air defense system has once again become the focus of attention. According to Russian media reports, the S-400's 40N6 super long-range air defense missile was tested last Thursday and is expected to serve later this summer. The 40N6 has a range of 400 kilometers (exported model 380 kilometers). Although it is not in service, its 400 km range has always been synonymous with the S-400. Since China has introduced the S-400 air defense system, whether a large power missile such as the 40N6 will be sold to China together with the S-400 is naturally the focus of attention. This answer believes that with the exposure of the S-400 in the service of the People's Liberation Army in the future will be revealed, what should I look at? Today, the Northern Defense Service teaches everyone a "small trick."

From the positioning point of view, the S-400 air defense system is a new large-area air defense system. In a strict sense, it is not a substitute for the S-300. The direct replacement of the S-300 is the "immediately" S-350 air defense system. . The significance of the S-400 is that it is more efficient than the S-300's large range and overall combat effectiveness, and it is enough to complete more tasks in a smaller amount. The Russian military is now shrinking the size of the S-400. According to the plan, the S-400 should be equipped with a 40N6 long-range interceptor with a range of 400 kilometers, combined with a 48N6DM with a range of nearly 300 kilometers. However, due to the progress of the 40N6, the S-400 has been able to block the fascia by 48N6DM. This time, 40N6 completed the final test, which will make the S-400 a "real S-400."

Regarding the shape of the 40N6 missile, there is no clear public picture yet, but we can still see some clues from the official public information. Although the 40N6 has a range of more than 100 kilometers more than 48N6DM, the weight is only slightly increased to 1893 kg. The weight when stored in the launch tube is the same as 48N6DM, which is 2600 kg. It is inferred that the size of the 40N6 missile will not be too different from the existing 48N6DM, and the launch vehicle can theoretically be universal.

However, Russia has selected the 51P6 self-propelled launch vehicle with the MZKT-7930 as the chassis for the 40N6 missile. The MZKT-7930 is currently widely used in the Russian missile weapon. The obvious feature is the square multi-seat front; currently, Russia The S-400 is being used by the military to use the 5P85SM2 self-propelled launch vehicle. It is mainly used to launch 48N6DM missiles. It uses the MZKT-543M chassis and features a single-seat front. Before the 5P85SM2, the S-400 uses a 5P85TM semi-trailer. Hanging the launch vehicle, the launch vehicle is almost the same as the S-300PMU2 purchased in China, using the BAZ-6402 chassis.

It is generally believed that the 40N6 and 9M96 series and the 48N6 series are the products of the "Torch" mechanical design bureau. If it is true, then the development of the 40N6 can be traced back to the Soviet period. In the 1980s, the Torch Design Bureau received the task of developing a 400-kilometer anti-aircraft missile. At the same time, they were still developing the 48N6 missile for the S-300PM. Peter Grushen, the meritor of the Torch Mechanical Design Bureau, was still alive. He and his colleagues found that the 48N6 missile has a potential for improvement in range. Their idea was to further improve the highest point of the missile's flight trajectory to obtain a larger range. For this reason, the "Torch" mechanical design bureau specially improved a 48N6. The missile under test hit a height of 70 kilometers and hit 327 kilometers. Outside the target, this may be the predecessor of the 40N6 missile.

When I mentioned 400 kilometers, many people thought that the Russians were "blowing". In fact, this is really not necessary to be too entangled. The Russian side has clearly pointed out that the range of 400 kilometers is mainly for early warning aircraft, command aircraft, jammers, strategic reconnaissance aircraft and cruise. Large air platforms such as missiles and precision-guided weapons carriers can not be said to be useless to deal with such targets. According to the information obtained by the Northern Defense Service, in the test, the range of 40N6 for aerodynamic targets can indeed reach 400 kilometers (export model is 380 kilometers), the range for cruise missiles exceeds 45 kilometers, and the range for ballistic missiles exceeds 70. Kilometers (Russia is the export model with a range of 60 kilometers). In addition, the Russian army has started trialing 40N6 since 2013. 40N6 has been legendary for too long, and some people may doubt whether the 40N6 has actually completed the test. Looking at the credibility is still very high now. When the Russian media entered the S-400 manufacturer last month, it took a picture of the 51P6 launch vehicle that will use the 40N6 missile. This is undoubtedly a powerful signal. Back to the beginning of the question, how do you see if China has introduced 40N6 missiles? As mentioned above, in the future, everyone will only understand the front of the launch vehicle. (Author's signature: Northern Defense)


Since 5 eye BE angmoh created gunboats they go round the world bully many....

China supply gunboats sell to those victims to bully back 5 eye BE


Since 5 eye BE angmoh created gunboats they go round the world bully many....

China supply gunboats sell to those victims to bully back 5 eye BE

Gunboats are outdated lah.

Today's game is satellites & missiles.

No time to use slow gunboats already.

Hit buttons from inside underground Great Walls, and Piak the globe nicely. WW3 is over within 1 hr. Death toll 6 billion within 24Hr. 7.5 billion within 2 weeks.