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Chitchat China Leaving US Behind on Artificial Intelligence: Air Force General



China Leaving US Behind on Artificial Intelligence: Air Force General


U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. VeraLinn Jamieson, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Deputy Chief of Staff, talks about ISR’s future during an interview on Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, April 13, 2017. (U.S. Air Force photo/Laura R. McFarlane)
Military.com 30 Jul 2018 By Oriana Pawlyk
China's massive investment in artificial intelligence technologies may soon leave the U.S. at a major disadvantage, a top Air Force general said Thursday.
"Speed is of the essence in the digital age," said Lt. Gen. VeraLinn "Dash" Jamieson, deputy chief of staff for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance on the Air Staff at the Pentagon.

She painted a grim picture: While "great instigator" Russia has the desire to do ambitious experiments with A.I., China already has the means.


To win war with white men throw cans of beers from planes will kill them easily...


China Leaving US Behind on Artificial Intelligence: Air Force General


U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. VeraLinn Jamieson, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Deputy Chief of Staff, talks about ISR’s future during an interview on Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, April 13, 2017. (U.S. Air Force photo/Laura R. McFarlane)
Military.com 30 Jul 2018 By Oriana Pawlyk
China's massive investment in artificial intelligence technologies may soon leave the U.S. at a major disadvantage, a top Air Force general said Thursday.
"Speed is of the essence in the digital age," said Lt. Gen. VeraLinn "Dash" Jamieson, deputy chief of staff for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance on the Air Staff at the Pentagon.

She painted a grim picture: While "great instigator" Russia has the desire to do ambitious experiments with A.I., China already has the means.


China has arrived at a point where they have the economic means to attain whatever the US had, Furthermoer, the Chinese are not held back by resligios beliefs and practices. It is their time. US is still ahead in many areas. But PRC is climbing.



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The Chinese are in dire need of artificial intelligence because, unlike the Ang Mohs, they don't have any real intelligence.


I wouldn't take any public comments by the military too seriously. All armed forces (including US and China) have the tendency to exaggerate threats and talk up their opponents in front of their civilian bosses to secure funding for their pet projects.