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China is Going to Make One Dutch Company Go Bankrupt. And Yes They Deserve It!


Alfrescian (Inf)
If you believe that propaganda, then you're truly dumb. :roflmao:

If Xiaomi is no longer using TSMC-made Qualcomm Snapdragon chips, that means it has to use crappy Tiong SMIC-made chips. Which means Xiaomi will be sanctioned in the near future, similar to Huawei. :rolleyes:

Enjoy these shops, they will go away one by one in future, similar to Huawei shops. :cool:



Alfrescian (Inf)
US ensured the outcome. Nothing to do with China which is ASML biggest customers are based.
EU nations are America dogs, No pity for them since they have chosen to go hungry for the sake of sanctioning China. Similarly, Singapore cannot join BRICS because Pinky Lonney took the impulsive lead to sanction Russia blindly, and fail to understand the reason behind war created by NATO.


EU nations are America dogs, No pity for them since they have chosen to go hungry for the sake of sanctioning China. Similarly, Singapore cannot join BRICS because Pinky Lonney took the impulsive lead to sanction Russia blindly, and fail to understand the reason behind war created by NATO.
when you listen to these Americans dogs, they'll lead you blindly to Holland !!