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china is a big gangster country


it should be bombed and the people be made slaves
go around sending stupid balloons all over to spy on others
go around bullying southeastasia countries and illegally occupying s.c.sea
go around giving easy loans to bribe other countries and make others bankrupt
the west should nuke china and reduce it to ashes be it's 2 late!

syed putra


China State strategies for survival​

Objective 1 – Regional hegemony​

In addition to their principal goal, which is survival, great powers seek to achieve three main objectives. Their highest aim is to achieve regional hegemony.
That means china will dominate east asia like how US dominate europe. All smaller countries eill kow tow to china or face extinction or sanctions.

Objective 2 – Maximum wealth​

Great powers seek to maximize their share of the world's wealth because economic strength is the foundation of military strength. Great powers seek to prevent rival powers from dominating wealth-producing regions of the world. The United States, for example, sought to prevent the Soviet Union from dominating Western Europe and the Middle East. Had the Soviets gained control of these areas, the balance of power would have been altered significantly against the United States.

Objective 3 – Nuclear superiority​

Mearsheimer asserts that great powers seek nuclear superiority over their rivals. Great powers exist in a world of multiple nuclear powers with the assured capacity to destroy their enemies called mutually assured destruction (MAD)

syed putra

Plus communist party of China has no legitimacy. It is not selected by their own people. And its communist in name only.
So to survive, the communist party must play the nationalist card wrt senkaku / daiyou islands and south china sea.
The neighbouring countries must know and understand that great powers, china or US, does not follow internationsl laws. They act according to their whims snd fancies. Their interest comes first. If they want SCS, they will take it. Who is to stop them doing it. RSN?
If they declare sinkie as their southern province, you want to fight them? That is why changi has a US presence. Big mistake for philippines to close US bases at Clarke and subic. L k y understood big power play than those pilipinos.


Old Fart
it should be bombed and the people be made slaves
go around sending stupid balloons all over to spy on others
go around bullying southeastasia countries and illegally occupying s.c.sea
go around giving easy loans to bribe other countries and make others bankrupt
the west should nuke china and reduce it to ashes be it's 2 late!
This is my take :

China goes around provoking everyone, does anything it wants, stake claims on anywhere it wants. And expecting others to timidly cow down in fear, look the other way and let it have its way. It has an inflated notion of their global influence and internal capabilities. But the world sees China for what they are, and will not hesitate to whack them down. And in the aftermath each time, those deluded commie chinks will protest, cry foul, come up with ludicrous excuses etc. Same old shit, like clockwork every time.

They should've just focused on being the factory of the world, instead of habouring stupid ideas of world domination. Because it will never happen. It's not in the chink DNA, no one trusts them. They are followers not leaders, copycats not innovators, petty not magnanimous.

Bunch of very xia suay people. In fact, I despise the 10% chink blood coursing through my veins. And last but not least,

FUCK @tanwahtiu


it should be bombed and the people be made slaves
go around sending stupid balloons all over to spy on others
go around bullying southeastasia countries and illegally occupying s.c.sea
go around giving easy loans to bribe other countries and make others bankrupt
the west should nuke china and reduce it to ashes be it's 2 late!
New technology and chao angmoh don't get it.... balloon fly use solar panels AI... robot driverless .

Next time... put a nuke bomb inside and they can shoot it down...

syed putra

This is my take :

China goes around provoking everyone, does anything it wants, stake claims on anywhere it wants. And expecting others to timidly cow down in fear, look the other way and let it have its way. It has an inflated notion of their global influence and internal capabilities. But the world sees China for what they are, and will not hesitate to whack them down. And in the aftermath each time, those deluded commie chinks will protest, cry foul, come up with ludicrous excuses etc. Same old shit, like clockwork every time.

They should've just focused on being the factory of the world, instead of habouring stupid ideas of world domination. Because it will never happen. It's not in the chink DNA, no one trusts them. They are followers not leaders, copycats not innovators, petty not magnanimous.

Bunch of very xia suay people. In fact, I despise the 10% chink blood coursing through my veins. And last but not least,

FUCK @tanwahtiu
Unfortunately, xi jinping has other ideas. It could be because their factories are shutting. Or its economy is unsustainable.
They need to get their people excited and fervourous by using Nationalism and the notion of a greater China is where they are heading. Hence senkaku/ Daiyou island dispute with japan, border clashes in Himalaya, south china sea seizure. And threatening Taiwan with invasion.
US on the other hand will destroy budding super power competitors. First it was the british, later the spanish.
During WWII, it made a deal with Britain to dismantle its colonies in exchange for finsncial and military assistance to defeat nazi germany.
Then nazi germany. Soviet collapse.
EU working closely with russia is also a threat to US hegemony. Economically, EU is bigger than the US. This relationship must be destroyed hence Ukraine.crisis.


This is my take :

China goes around provoking everyone, does anything it wants, stake claims on anywhere it wants. And expecting others to timidly cow down in fear, look the other way and let it have its way. It has an inflated notion of their global influence and internal capabilities. But the world sees China for what they are, and will not hesitate to whack them down. And in the aftermath each time, those deluded commie chinks will protest, cry foul, come up with ludicrous excuses etc. Same old shit, like clockwork every time.

They should've just focused on being the factory of the world, instead of habouring stupid ideas of world domination. Because it will never happen. It's not in the chink DNA, no one trusts them. They are followers not leaders, copycats not innovators, petty not magnanimous.

Bunch of very xia suay people. In fact, I despise the 10% chink blood coursing through my veins. And last but not least,

FUCK @tanwahtiu
Go fuck yr own mother .... u Falungong member coming out of his closet activate again.... fuck @winners ...


Alfrescian (Inf)
it should be bombed and the people be made slaves
go around sending stupid balloons all over to spy on others
go around bullying southeastasia countries and illegally occupying s.c.sea
go around giving easy loans to bribe other countries and make others bankrupt
the west should nuke china and reduce it to ashes be it's 2 late!
You are Mr CECA?

syed putra

Unfortunately, xi jinping has other ideas. It could be because their factories are shutting. Or its economy is unsustainable.
They need to get their people excited and fervourous by using Nationalism and the notion of a greater China is where they are heading. Hence senkaku/ Daiyou island dispute with japan, border clashes in Himalaya, south china sea seizure. And threatening Taiwan with invasion.
US on the other hand will destroy budding super power competitors. First it was the british, later the spanish.
During WWII, it made a deal with Britain to dismantle its colonies in exchange for finsncial and military assistance to defeat nazi germany.
Then nazi germany. Soviet collapse.
EU working closely with russia is also a threat to US hegemony. Economically, EU is bigger than the US. This relationship must be destroyed hence Ukraine.crisis.
What i am trying to say is, US does not tolerate competitors. China is next on its scope.


Old Fart
Unfortunately, xi jinping has other ideas. It could be because their factories are shutting. Or its economy is unsustainable.
They need to get their people excited and fervourous by using Nationalism and the notion of a greater China is where they are heading. Hence senkaku/ Daiyou island dispute with japan, border clashes in Himalaya, south china sea seizure. And threatening Taiwan with invasion.
US on the other hand will destroy budding super power competitors. First it was the british, later the spanish.
During WWII, it made a deal with Britain to dismantle its colonies in exchange for finsncial and military assistance to defeat nazi germany.
Then nazi germany. Soviet collapse.
EU working closely with russia is also a threat to US hegemony. Economically, EU is bigger than the US. This relationship must be destroyed hence Ukraine.crisis.
That's a totally unfounded accusation against my beloved benevolent USA.:eek::biggrin: But your point on those fucking CCP is spot on!:thumbsup: