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China, Indonesia experiencing closer relationship


China and Indonesia are witnessing a fast development in their relationship nowadays, as the governmental and civil communication between them are increasing, and the bilateral trade are rising in recent years.

As China's premier Wen Jiabao is scheduled to visit Indonesia later this month, the local public opinion believed that it would further improve friendship between the two countries.

With a long history of friendship between the two countries, China and Indonesia lifted their relationship to a new stage in 2005, when Chinese President Hu Jintao and Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono signed a joint declaration, proclaiming the relationship between the two countries as "strategic partners" in Jakarta.

Since then, the relationship between China and Indonesia has had a comprehensive, rapid and healthy development, as the two countries have closer communication and deeper political mutual trust, and gathered plenty of fruits from bilateral cooperation in many aspects, such as pushing forward China-ASEAN relations and dealing with international financial crisis.

The governmental and civil visits and exchanges between China and Indonesia entered into the climax as it came to the year 2010, which marked the 60th anniversary of China-Indonesia diplomatic ties and Year of Friendship. At the beginning of 2010, China's State Councilor Dai Bingguo visited Indonesia to attend the second meeting of China-Indonesia dialogue mechanism at vice prime ministerial level, when he and Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Political, Law and Security Affairs Djoko Suyanto witnessed the signing of the Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Joint Declaration on Strategic Partnership. The plan includes detailed measures for the dialogue, communication and cooperation between China and Indonesia in comprehensive areas.

In June 2010, President Hu Jintao and President Yudhoyono had a bilateral meeting during the G20 summit in Toronto, discussing topics related to further improving China-Indonesia strategic partnership. The two sides agreed that China and Indonesia should deepen concrete cooperation in each aspects, continue high- rankings' communication, expand trade and economic cooperation, and promote coordination in international and regional affairs.