<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR>Nov 17, 2009
</TR><!-- headline one : start --><TR>CEO takes on tycoon <!--10 min-->
</TR><!-- headline one : end --><TR>Medical group chief sues for $300,000 refund; millionaire counter-sues for $500,000 payment </TR><!-- Author --><TR><TD class="padlrt8 georgia11 darkgrey bold" colSpan=2>By K.C. Vijayan, Law Correspondent
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The buyer, Dr Baumann (left), 40, is the CEO of Singapore Medical Group. The seller, business magnate Tong Djoe (next picture), 82, made his money in shipping, petroleum and trade. -- ST FILE PHOTOS
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</DIV></TD></TR><TR><TD width="26%"><DIV class=story_text><DIV align=left>« Prev </DIV></DIV></TD><TD class=georgia12 width="40%" align=middle><DIV class=story_text>Photo 2 of 2</DIV></TD><TD width="34%" align=right><DIV class=story_text><DIV align=right>Next » </DIV></DIV></TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD class=georgia12 align=middle><DIV class=story_text>View all thumbnails</DIV></TD><TD align=right> </TD></TR><TR></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=3></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<DIV class=clear></DIV><DIV class=border_dbl2_bn></DIV><DIV class=clear></DIV><DIV class=marginb5></DIV><!-- START OF : div id="storytext"--><DIV class=story_text>TWO prominent business people will be battling in court over an art deal that turned sour.
<TABLE width=200 align=left valign="top"><TBODY><TR><TD class=padr8><!-- Vodcast --><!-- Background Story --><STYLE type=text/css> #related .quote {background-color:#E7F7FF; padding:8px;margin:0px 0px 5px 0px;} #related .quote .headline {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10px;font-weight:bold; border-bottom:3px double #007BFF; color:#036; text-transform:uppercase; padding-bottom:5px;} #related .quote .text {font-size:11px;color:#036;padding:5px 0px;} </STYLE><DIV id=related class=vclear><DIV class=quote><DIV class=headline>The artists and their works</DIV><DIV class=text>THE art pieces were by renowned Indonesian and China-based artists whose works fetch high prices at various auction houses like Christie's and Sotheby's. They include:
Affandi (1907-1990)
</DIV><DIV class=text align=right>... more</DIV></DIV></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Dr Xiaoyan Baumann, 40, wants a refund of $300,000 for 17 paintings and a wood carving she and her husband had bought.
But the seller, Mr Tong Djoe, 82, is contesting the claim and counter- suing for $500,000 which he alleges was for another seven art pieces delivered to them but were not paid for.
China-born and German-educated Dr Baumann is chief executive officer of the Singapore Medical Group, which runs a cluster of specialist clinics.
Indonesia-born Mr Tong is a millionaire who made his money in shipping, petroleum and trade.
He operates out of an office in Anson Road. Among other artworks, he is said to own a Picasso.
[email protected]
Read the full story in Tuesday's edition of The Straits Times.
</TR><!-- headline one : start --><TR>CEO takes on tycoon <!--10 min-->
</TR><!-- headline one : end --><TR>Medical group chief sues for $300,000 refund; millionaire counter-sues for $500,000 payment </TR><!-- Author --><TR><TD class="padlrt8 georgia11 darkgrey bold" colSpan=2>By K.C. Vijayan, Law Correspondent
</TD></TR><!-- show image if available --><TR vAlign=bottom><TD width=330>
</TD><TD width=10>
The buyer, Dr Baumann (left), 40, is the CEO of Singapore Medical Group. The seller, business magnate Tong Djoe (next picture), 82, made his money in shipping, petroleum and trade. -- ST FILE PHOTOS
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<DIV class=border_dbl2_bn></DIV><TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD><DIV class=vclearleft>
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=330 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=3><DIV>
<DIV class=clear></DIV><DIV class=border_dbl2_bn></DIV><DIV class=clear></DIV><DIV class=marginb5></DIV><!-- START OF : div id="storytext"--><DIV class=story_text>TWO prominent business people will be battling in court over an art deal that turned sour.
<TABLE width=200 align=left valign="top"><TBODY><TR><TD class=padr8><!-- Vodcast --><!-- Background Story --><STYLE type=text/css> #related .quote {background-color:#E7F7FF; padding:8px;margin:0px 0px 5px 0px;} #related .quote .headline {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10px;font-weight:bold; border-bottom:3px double #007BFF; color:#036; text-transform:uppercase; padding-bottom:5px;} #related .quote .text {font-size:11px;color:#036;padding:5px 0px;} </STYLE><DIV id=related class=vclear><DIV class=quote><DIV class=headline>The artists and their works</DIV><DIV class=text>THE art pieces were by renowned Indonesian and China-based artists whose works fetch high prices at various auction houses like Christie's and Sotheby's. They include:
Affandi (1907-1990)
</DIV><DIV class=text align=right>... more</DIV></DIV></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Dr Xiaoyan Baumann, 40, wants a refund of $300,000 for 17 paintings and a wood carving she and her husband had bought.
But the seller, Mr Tong Djoe, 82, is contesting the claim and counter- suing for $500,000 which he alleges was for another seven art pieces delivered to them but were not paid for.
China-born and German-educated Dr Baumann is chief executive officer of the Singapore Medical Group, which runs a cluster of specialist clinics.
Indonesia-born Mr Tong is a millionaire who made his money in shipping, petroleum and trade.
He operates out of an office in Anson Road. Among other artworks, he is said to own a Picasso.
[email protected]
Read the full story in Tuesday's edition of The Straits Times.