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China crime syndicate has established their bases in Singapore.



New charges in alleged Singapore-based Chinese cybercrime ring reveal S$11.6m fund inflow, global links​

The group allegedly operated from a bungalow in Mount Sinai after entering Singapore on work passes for construction workers, funding the purported global cyber crimes with millions of dollars from a person known only as "Biao Ge".
New charges in alleged Singapore-based Chinese cybercrime ring reveal S$11.6m fund inflow, global links


SINGAPORE: New charges tendered on Tuesday (Oct 8) against three Chinese nationals in an alleged global cybercrime syndicate based in Singapore reveal a flow of funds of about S$11.6 million (US$8.9 million) into the upkeep of the group and links to South Korea.

Exact details into the workings of the syndicate are sketchy at this early stage of court proceedings.


However, based on court records, charge sheets and an earlier press statement issued jointly by the police and the Internal Security Department (ISD), the trio are part of a larger group of seven men, all Chinese nationals except one Singaporean.

The group allegedly operated from a bungalow in Mount Sinai and is believed to be linked to a global syndicate dabbling in cyber crime.

Laptops and devices seized from them contained credentials to access Internet servers used by known hacker groups, stolen data belonging to foreign victims, computer hacking tools exploiting vulnerabilities in Internet servers and specialised software to control malware.

The Chinese nationals allegedly obtained entry into Singapore with work passes that allowed them to work in construction, but they purportedly did not stay at the workplace of their registered employer.

The suspects were arrested on Sep 9 in simultaneous islandwide raids by about 160 SPF and ISD officers.


The seven accused men are: Chinese nationals Sun Jiao, 42, Zhang Qingqiao, 38, Chen Yiren, 42, Yan Peijian, 38, Huang Qin Zheng, 35, Liu Yuqi, 32, and Singaporean Goh Shi Yong, 34.

The three men who received fresh charges on Tuesday are Sun, Zhang and Chen.

Chen's new charge accuses him of receiving about S$11.6 million from a person known as "Biao Ge", which Chen spent on the rent, upkeep and expenses of an organised criminal group comprising Yan, Huang, Liu and Sun.

This allegedly includes funding for the Mount Sinai bungalow.

Of the S$11.6 million, Chen allegedly "expended" about S$399,000 over 11 occasions between 2022 and 2024, in a charge under the Organised Crime Act.

Zhang is newly accused of abetting two people - Lim Clovis Leslie and Lee Kok Leong - to obtain the personal information of unknown individuals on Jul 28, 2023.

Sun received two new charges. He is accused of sending a file containing the personal information of 1,055 unknown people from South Korea to a WhatsApp chat group on Aug 12, 2023, while he was in Singapore.