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China and India not only conflict at border but also in sinkieland.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

We need some prostitutes to comfort them.

Balls empty = mind in state of zen = peace

HAHA. Some workers in SG are emboldened to walk around PCN. malls and beaches on Sundays to look for Singaporean men and women to pay to them to get the sex. They show how much with their hands while walking openly. zI recently saw a CECA worker showing 10 with both his hands upwards and i then realize they are taking 10 dollars to fuck a man or woman. I am surprised to see some good looking chinses girls in private or landed property areas seem taking such services. They are all happy for PAP for liberating workers to provide such services in heartlands. One guy was too smelly from Kerala, India I believe he is on sPass taking a secondary 3 Chinese Chiobu using mobile phone matching (they get hooked on the spot). I will bring that boy and the girl for all to see.

Though prostitution in Geylang is legal. Soliciting prostitution is still illegal. But PAP government liberated Apple and Google to promote LGBTQ+ which backfired IT Giants, PAP and all the men, woman solicited illicit sex in SG heathlands. I feel Singapore is like geylang if u happen to go any part of the city at the moment.
They may not look like he is soliciting for sex as they give secret hand signals, and the guy gets emboldened and follows her or him like a dog.
That is why CECA or workers need not go to Geylang anymore as they are also making money out of it.

Clementi to Boon Lay all malls are infested with workers on Sundays. Because of the university boys and girls are soliciting CECA for xxx
More Japanese men living in Boon Lay mall. take the smelliest CECA worker to upstarts for group sex with

That is why workers in SG are emboldened and they may not respect locals as they think Singaporeans men are useless as PAP loves them.
I will bring them as I need to expose their hidden agenda with their lord Shiva who will be held accountable.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
those ah nehs should just lift up their sarong...the bah wu will knock out those Chinks in no time...KO....