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China’s Expanding Space Capabilities Ready To Take Down US Aircraft Carriers



China’s Expanding Space Capabilities Ready To Take Down US Aircraft Carriers​

9,024 views Premiered 6 hours ago
A world class military, largest and one of the most advanced navies in the world and a space program that keeps breaking records all over, China has established itself as one of the biggest and most competent players in todays world it just keeps getting better because once you combine all of these sectors together, its a recipe for success. Today’s episode will uncover how China’s advanced space capabilities can easily spy and counter the US Navy aircraft carriers.

Chapters 00:00 – Intro

00:42 - China’s Expanding Space Capabilities

02:54 - A Look Into Satellite Power

05:45 - China Is No Longer The Rising Power | It Has Risen

syed putra

US is screwed. It's defence contractors have been overcharging them so much while Chinese state owned companies build same capabilities for a fraction of the cost.