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    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

Chickens walking the streets of CBD!


Ha! We're on the same wavelength. But I am doing my darnest to salvage my mind from the gutter.
but my dear glockie. why in the world would having your mind in the gutter be a bad thing? or why is thinking such thoughts even frowned upon?

So long as we're not advocating hurt or violence and all parties are willing, I see no reason why we shouldn't indulge. We like to see and some like to show. Everybody happy.

<insert gif here> :biggrin:


Old Fart
but my dear glockie. why in the world would having your mind in the gutter be a bad thing? or why is thinking such thoughts even frowned upon?

So long as we're not advocating hurt or violence and all parties are willing, I see no reason why we shouldn't indulge. We like to see and some like to show. Everybody happy.

<insert gif here> :biggrin:
OMG well said! You got it right and I totally agree! Here're the photos we were expecting to see.:biggrin:




A chicken crossing street thread draws all the act innocent do evil doers as usual. Of course it’s not innocent but TS intent. Pui!


but my dear glockie. why in the world would having your mind in the gutter be a bad thing? or why is thinking such thoughts even frowned upon?

So long as we're not advocating hurt or violence and all parties are willing, I see no reason why we shouldn't indulge. We like to see and some like to show. Everybody happy.

<insert gif here> :biggrin:
Oh just like how you Malaysian evil doer son of whore do evil by pretending to ask about strawberry in who is Ginfreely sugar daddy thread? So clever so smart but heaven knows and you will go to hell attacking a virgin as whore. Pui!


but my dear glockie. why in the world would having your mind in the gutter be a bad thing? or why is thinking such thoughts even frowned upon?

So long as we're not advocating hurt or violence and all parties are willing, I see no reason why we shouldn't indulge. We like to see and some like to show. Everybody happy.

<insert gif here> :biggrin:
Oh ya don’t act blur pretend don’t know attacking a woman as whore is using violence. You useless evil Malaysian son of whore that can’t win woman by debate or any way and do evil keep upping who is Ginfreely sugar daddy thread by asking about strawberry has done violence to me and is still doing violence now upping this chicken thread and you are no different from the Indian rapist that you despised. Pui!


Oh so intellectual so smart so clever can only come up with this kind of thread. So Xia suay son of chicken Pui!
@laksaboy useless Chinese intellectual like you doing evil to woman is a disgrace to humanity. You like it or not believe it or not I am a virgin and not a chicken that you useless Chinese intellectual can’t fathom. Pui!


@laksaboy useless Chinese intellectual like you doing evil to woman is a disgrace to humanity. You like it or not believe it or not I am a virgin and not a chicken that you useless Chinese intellectual can’t fathom. Pui!
Looks like I am proven superior to such useless intellectual that think they are superior to judge me but they can only win by attacking me a virgin as chicken.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Those Thai Chickens who worked in Geylang, now they wanna do more more lucrative business with those who working in offices in CBD

  • CCP Pi Jiapeng, 26, conspired with his 27-year-old Thai wife Pansuk Siriwipa to loot Singaporeans --Luxury goods scam $32M fugitive couple reportedly betrayed by Thai accomplice (Thai national) in Singapore
  • Popular Thai YouTuber Natthamon, who has over 800,000 followers on her YouTube allegedly ran a SCAM of S$77m in forex trading scam

Natthamon, who has over 800,000 followers.jpeg

Thai sluts or bitches can never be trusted even for a short-term stint. Beware/

Now these chickens running international scams as below: