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Chickens have grown 364% over the last 60 years.


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Chickens have grown 364% over the last 60 years.

In the 1940s, chicken was expensive. The average chicken was $3....that's $30 today when adjusted for inflation.

A&P, the country's largest supermarket at the time, wanted to turn this delicacy into a staple.
So, they devised specialized breeding and feeding to grow bigger chickens, faster.
It worked...

The average chicken now grows 2X as fast and weighs 3.5X more.

Chickens are meant to eat a wide range of foods such as grass and bugs, but now they are primarily fed corn and soy to fatten them up as fast as possible.

This not only fattens them, but changes their fat.
The omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of modern chickens can be as high as 20:1, 3X that of pasture-raised chicken.

And, just as A&P wanted, we are eating A LOT of it.
The average American eats 65 pounds of chicken per year.

Chicken is a health food, but I recommend sourcing it from a farm where the chickens get to move out in the pasture, consuming a more natural diet.


Alfrescian (Inf)
No wonder men, nowadays, start to show boobs and cock getting smaller. Must have eaten a lot of such fat, estrogenic chickens.
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Old Fart
so when will chickens become big enough to eat humans ?
They used to be able to.
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