1) Chiam See Tong = 郭靖 郭大侠. like him, CST is not a gifted person. they both work very hard to achieve greatness. they love the country and people. they are humble, true, sincere & courageous. Country before self. "I'm not a brave person but I love Singaporeans , I love Singapore", this is true courage.
2) Low Thia Khiang = 乔峰 乔大侠. they are both charisma and have the ability to connect and engage the masses. they have no fear. ltk in parliament vs 80 MIW is like 乔峰 in 聚贤庄; 1 fighting against hundreds. ltk has found his 段誉 & 虚竹 now, forming a strong ally. "明知山有虎偏向虎山行", this is guts豪气.
3) LKY is 东方不败. towards the end of their reign, they are very distanced and disengaged from his own party and the masses. they both like to hear flattery and surround themselves with yes mans, playthings and eunuchs. many times his old comrades tried telling him that 日月神教 (PAP) is getting rotten. Old man refuse to listen. Instead eunuchs like杨莲亭 (General Boy) is favoured. :p
4) Vivian is 岳不群 (华山派掌门“君子剑”). He puts on a fake gentleman façade. He is later exposed as伪君子. 伪君子 is many times more scary than 真小人. :oIo:
5) I am a nobody. But I like to imagine myself holding a 打狗棒 in this forum to whack all the pap dogs.
Please feel free to add in the list.
2) Low Thia Khiang = 乔峰 乔大侠. they are both charisma and have the ability to connect and engage the masses. they have no fear. ltk in parliament vs 80 MIW is like 乔峰 in 聚贤庄; 1 fighting against hundreds. ltk has found his 段誉 & 虚竹 now, forming a strong ally. "明知山有虎偏向虎山行", this is guts豪气.
3) LKY is 东方不败. towards the end of their reign, they are very distanced and disengaged from his own party and the masses. they both like to hear flattery and surround themselves with yes mans, playthings and eunuchs. many times his old comrades tried telling him that 日月神教 (PAP) is getting rotten. Old man refuse to listen. Instead eunuchs like杨莲亭 (General Boy) is favoured. :p
4) Vivian is 岳不群 (华山派掌门“君子剑”). He puts on a fake gentleman façade. He is later exposed as伪君子. 伪君子 is many times more scary than 真小人. :oIo:
5) I am a nobody. But I like to imagine myself holding a 打狗棒 in this forum to whack all the pap dogs.
Please feel free to add in the list.