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Cheap Pinoy delicacy


Alfrescian (Inf)
unscrupulous pinoys in u.s. have been relabeling dog food and shipping them to failippines as canned meat for 69% margin. pinoys love meat. no dogs, cats, birds are alive in manila. when you arrive and wake up in the morning can't hear any birds chirping. they are all eaten. :eek:


Alfrescian (Inf)
unscrupulous pinoys in u.s. have been relabeling dog food and shipping them to failippines as canned meat for 69% margin. pinoys love meat. no dogs, cats, birds are alive in manila. when you arrive and wake up in the morning can't hear any birds chirping. they are all eaten. :eek:

For $0.69 per pack?


Alfrescian (Inf)
For $0.69 per pack?
they buy expired dog food for $0.69 per can and sell it back home for $2.99 each or $6.99 for a 4-pack. 1 can can feed 6.9 pinoy kids with 6.9 chunks per scoop to 1 plate of lice. this can if sold with valid before-best date at u.s. supermarket and pet store is retailed at $6.99 each or online at chewy.com at $6.69 each.



Alfrescian (Inf)
That pinoy boy is just sucking on his fingertips like how i suck on a lolita,s nips and looking hungrily and thinking,man i want that pagpag chicken.

Going down to the jolibees at paya lebar later to see if they have any on sale.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
I wasn't surprised Anthony Bourdian had to kill himself after he claimed pinoyland has great food in one of his shows

syed putra

Great ideas comes from bottom of the pile. Canned dog food which used prime meat is better than just carbo in the diet.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Great ideas comes from bottom of the pile. Canned dog food which used prime meat is better than just carbo in the diet.
$6.99 is the cheapest. and the high end can be as high as $69. it's cheaper for pinoys to be vegetarians and stay away from meat altogether. davao is the vegetable basket of failippines but pinoys would rather have meat. a case of hungry have-nots wanting the most expensive and scarce food source. a reduction of their population by 69% would save both domestic and wildlife in the failippines.


syed putra

Unlike indonesia, pilipinos did not have tempe, nor other soya based protein like to fu.
But i would have thought their main dish to be fishes.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Unlike indonesia, pilipinos did not have tempe, nor other soya based protein like to fu.
But i would have thought their main dish to be fishes.
they fish in any longkang, sewer, drain and river to death so much so that wildlife in these areas are going extinct.