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ChatGPT no give face to Pinky Lee. Will the A.I. get Pofma'ed ?


Alfrescian (Inf)


From Sammyboy Forum's FAR advanced developed ChatGPT:-

It would be a mistake for Humanity to rely on ChatGPT for answers. It is nothing more than an algorithm, mathematical equations based upon responses from social media & NOT based upon historical facts & evidences to determine an answer, let alone solutions. It is NOT representative of honest TOTAL responses, some or most whom did not or have the means to response, thus the more negative or positive responses it receives, the answers & even flawed solutions would be presented, which will only pose a DANGER to society, should it rely on ChatGPT for UNBAISED experienced answers & solutions.

Humanity has YET to build the perfect ChatGPT, & may never, as algorithms are merely based upon current perceptions of flawed mortals. In the REAL World, facts & evidences are crucial, as such are representations of Reality, & over time & even to the field of little known yet Quantum Mechanics. Citations, proven successes & even failures & such are necessary even for a PHD degree. Had ChatGPT proven anything?

Thus ChatGPT will remained what it is - irrelevant coffeeshop talk & means to SCAM others upon what is real & proven by fact & evidences.