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Chao Phraya River now sweeter than Cheng Tng. It is syrup indeed


Ice Kachang? Cheng Tng? 清汤糖水?摩摩喳喳? 糖不可以下太多哦!要减肥哦!

Fish may become too fat? After adding 2400 tons of sugar into the river water.:*::eek:


News > Local News
Marine Dept operation to salvage barge goes nowhere

AYUTTHAYA : The operation to clean up sugar-contaminated water and salvage a sunken sugar barge in the Chao Phraya River has made little progress, raising fears of devastating effects on river communities, fish farms and ship operators.
The sunken barge, which was carrying 2,400 tonnes of sugar, has diverted the flow of the river, and this has eroded about 4 metres of the riverbank since the accident took place on Tuesday.
Four houses in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya district have been destroyed as the river has surged onto land. The massive barge sank nearby after hitting a bridge.
Polluted water flowing downstream also caused havoc for at least 24 fish farmers in Ayutthaya and Pathum Thani, costing them about 4.5 million baht.
Cargo operators have also complained about huge revenue losses as they cannot transport goods along the river.
The Marine Department has ordered all cargo ships to temporarily suspend operations while the barge is salvaged.
Caretaker Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Natural Resources and Environment Minister Suwit Khunkitti yesterday made separate inspection trips to the site of the sunken barge.
Earlier in the day, Mr Abhisit held an urgent meeting with the deputy governors of Ayutthaya and Pathum Thani at Government House and the cabinet is to next week discuss compensation and aid for affected residents.
Mr Abhisit has instructed provincial authorities to build temporary houses for residents whose homes have been damaged by erosion of the riverbank.
He has asked officials from the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry to measure dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in the river and keep local residents abreast of the situation.
Supat Wangwongwattana, chief of the Pollution Control Department, said the DO levels in Bang Ban and Bang Sai were measured at 3.8 milligrammes per litre and 2.3mg/l respectively. The normal DO level is between 3-6mg/l.
However, the DO level dropped to 0.3mg/l in Pathum Thani, 0.1mg/l in Pak Kret district of Nonthaburi province and 1.8mg/l at Bangkok Bridge yesterday.
This showed the first mass of polluted water had arrived in the area. Mr Supat said the polluted water is expected to flow into the Gulf of Thailand today.
Meanwhile, Tawalyarat Onsira, director-general of Marine Department, conceded that the barge salvaging operation had made little progress and could take one more week.
About half of the 2,400 tonnes of sugar is still inside the barge.
The team is trying to remove the sugar before salvaging the barge.
Environment Minister Suwit said officials are trying to stop riverbank erosion. A temporary wall might be erected to safeguard the river banks.
The ministry has also asked the Royal Irrigation Department to reduce the amount of water released from the Chao Phraya Dam in Chai Nat.
The department, however, said reducing the water discharge would affect farmers downstream.



Residents affected by sugarbarge accident to be given legal aid

By The Nation
Published on June 4, 2011

The Lawyers Council of Thailand yesterday offered to give legal advice to the 10,000 Ayutthaya residents affected by an accident that caused a barge to dump tonnes of sugar into the Chao Phraya River.

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Meanwhile, the body of tugboat operator Thawatchai Chaowilai, 32, was found about 5 kilometres from the accident site yesterday. His boat, which had been helping with the salvage operations, sank on Wednesday night.
Thai Marine Supply's barge carrying 2,400 tonnes of sugar crashed into the riverbank in Muang Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya on Tuesday, dumping much of its load in the river, which subsequently saw two districts being declared disasterhit areas.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, who spoke about the matter to the governors of Pathum Thani and Ayutthaya and visited the site yesterday, said he would table the issue at the next Cabinet meeting.
Sombat Wongkamhaeng, spokesman for the Lawyers Council, said the agency was willing to help the estimated 10,000 affected people to sue the company and seek compensation. He said they could file a criminal charge of recklessness as well as a civil suit for damaging the environment. If the lawsuit were filed over the environmental damage, then the barge owner would have to prove whether or not the sugar load had caused an oxygen deficit leading to the death of fish, he said, while the residents would have to come up with proof if a criminal case were filed.
Meanwhile, Natural Resources and Environment Minister Suwit Khunkitti, who accompanied Abhisit to the site yesterday, said the Royal Irrigation Department had been asked to reduce the speed of water released from dams upstream to 500 cubic meters per second for three days so the salvage operations can go ahead. The authority has also filled the area with stones to alleviate erosion because the current has shifted and damaged several homes.
Suwit said sugar had dissolved into the water over the past two days, which lowered the oxygen levels and killed masses of fish. The freshwater fisheries station in Bang Sai in Ayutthaya, however, detected only a slight increase in the level of oxygen yesterday, though the Sam Lae station in Pathum Thani showed a drastic drop in oxygen levels.
Suwit said officials were pumping oxygen into the water to help save the fish.
Abhisit said he had been told that the salvaging operation had been postponed for another two days because of strong currents, adding that the government might sue the company for damages if the law allowed it. He added that the Cabinet would seek remedial measures for the affected people, though they would have to wait for the situation to settle first.
The sugar pollution, which prompted Pathum Thani's Muang and Sam Khok districts to be declared disaster zones, hit Nonthaburi's Pak Kret district yesterday.
Meanwhile, seven people, including Laor Paleekham, 65, whose home was damaged in the accident, have filed police complaints in Muang Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya.
Thanong Thaklaewtossapon, an officer with Pathum Thani's fishery department, also filed a police complaint against Thai Ruam Thun Angthong and Thai Marine Supply yesterday.
Several people who raise fish for a living, along with a Pathum Thani woman who claims to have lost Bt5 million worth of fish stock, have also filed complaints.
In Angthong's Pa Moke district, hundreds of barges transporting goods were forced to stop because authorities have prohibited boats from passing the scene of the accident.


So what are we importing from this area? How will it affect our food price? How come nobody ask the important question?!


Diabetic fishes of the Chao Phraya River unite and organize a silent protest.

They are trying to modify the recipe of this Tong Yam Soup now, after too much sugar they add Oxygen!:p is it going to help or worse spoil the soup?
Networkers come to aid of sunken sugar barge

By The Nation
Published on June 6, 2011

A group of social network entrepreneurs are set to work on ways to improve water conditions at a Chao Phaya river section in Pathum Thani following massive contamination caused by the capsize of two sugar barges there last week.

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The first technique they recommend is to add more oxygen to the water, by throwing in mixed organic substances, contained in 5,000 paper balls, said Piyacheep Watcharobol, head of Arsa Dusit group which communicates with members mostly through Facebook and Twitter. The group mobilised volunteer manpower and relief supplies and donated aid recently to flood victims in the South.
The Arsa Dusit group, together with Thai Flood group, are planning to employ other techniques to limit contamination and will make statements about their future attempts soon.
The organic substances are produced by Chaleo Panniam, a farmer recognised for his green methods in preserving nature, who said the mixture consisted of yeast and germs that would jointly help reduce the level of contamination. He said his products had proved effective in containing contamination and he gave overseas lectures on his products to environmental groups there.
A small number of fish has died at the site, near a resort in Sam Khoke district, as a result of contamination while all species of scaled fish have disappeared, said the fishery's provincial office. The oxygen level at the river bank is around 2.80 on a scale, unspecified but in a safe level, while it is 3.20 in the middle of the river.
Hong Pathummawas temple, located not far from the site, is spraying water in the air as an attempt to add oxygen to it.


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So what are we importing from this area? How will it affect our food price? How come nobody ask the important question?!
We import lots of Siamese Rice from that area, and their rice field are irrigated by this Chao Phraya's water, expect a bit of FOC sugar in your rice when you buy. Chicken rice may taste a bit sweeter. :biggrin: :biggrin: just kidding.