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Chan chun sing power.young time stay 1 room rental flat. Now become successful

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
How many bloody are we going to hear this crap story ? Together with that cheap plastic watch he is wearing.


How many bloody are we going to hear this crap story ? Together with that cheap plastic watch he is wearing.
and the very humble prius he drives????
just another asshole who insults and mocks his countrymen behind closed doors


I can also show you the other 100,000 people that stayed in 1 room rental flat that failed....

Scrooball (clone)

Behind closed doors, his true nature of a poor boy with no culture shows. U can grow up and be rich and successful. But culture and class? U can’t buy that.

Not surprised he got shoved out of the way for Lawrence Wong. Less likely to provoke and a safe but uninspired choice for Prime Minister.