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CEO only 25years old! Local tech startup behind vending machines that dispense your masks, TT tokens & ART test kits!


Who is he related to? Must be someone important like the Bentley driver. This is such a simple technology with no advanced/ proprietary science to it. Normally, this will be something you work with the likes of ST Engineering or local vending machines vendor with a reputation for reliability, service coverage and experience. Not some start-up with a 25 year old CEO.

I do think it is good that SG is finally supporting locals but this is really bread crumbs versus to the billions/ millions they dish out to foreigners.


Bloodlee hell this kind can name as startup then my uncle's secret tunnel dating service is what ?


Better prolong the scamdemic as long as possible so this little crony's machines can continue to dispense masks.

Can change to dessert vending machine or even young girls soiled panties machine too after the pandemic is over. Must move with the time if he is business savvy.