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Celebrity human clones


Katy Perry

Hello Everyone,

I am Katy Perry, my real name is Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, and I am here to disclose, on how dark the entertainment industry is and on how you are controlled by Darkness.

I am an American singer and a songwriter. Today I am disclosing the truth that humanity needs to know. First of all, you can’t stay innocent and genuine for long in the music industry, you must follow orders of the Dark Masters, otherwise you are not going to be successful there. Basically, you are slowly destroyed as a human being and eventually you are going to loose yourself, on who you are as a person and as an artist.

Most of the music artists, if you followed their careers at the beginning they produce interesting and inspiring music or songs, and later on you are going to notice a drop in their artistic direction and talent, as they are influenced and follow the narrative of the Negative Ones, otherwise you are going to be crushed by them and your career will end. Only a few stay strong and try to resist the Evil’s influence and control, and the rest end up on drugs, alcohol abuse and etc. The industry is so dark that not much glamour is left, it’s only on the stage it looks pretty.

The truth is that nothing glamorous or inspiring is left in the entertainment industry. Behind the curtains the Evil Empire destroyed many incredible and talented singers and songwriters around the globe. The reason I am here today is to tell you the truth about the Controllers, who are going to be destroyed by the Light. My story is not just about me, it’s also about many like me in the music industry, who got broken on the emotional and on the physical level by the ones, who are behind the scenes controlling everything.

Many do not know this, even though I was an American, I was interested in many cultures like Ancient Egyptian, Middle Eastern, Indian, Latin and Asian. I was even fascinated in the idea of life on other planets and in the practice of doing meditation like in the East, in Asia. I did a song and a music video with an Egyptian theme titled “Dark Horse”, and a song with a music video about extraterrestrial and another dimension titled “E.T.” My wedding took place in India. Also, a fashion designer from Dubai created a few dresses for my concerts and events, including the outfit in the photo in this message, which I wore on August 28, 2011 at MTV awards. Where I won a 3 Moonman awards.

I was fortunate to visit many countries around the world and experience different cultures, because of my music during concert tours around the globe. Unfortunately, my human life ended at the age of 33 years old from drug overdose, the Dark Ones were planning to eliminate me anyways, because I would not cooperate with them.

This is very common, most singers in the American Music Industry are using or abusing some kind of drug. It’s a very negative entertainment business, especially, if you join the Negative Ones. In general, even if you don’t work with Darkness, everyone there doesn’t see you as a person, just a product to use and make money from.

Everywhere you go around that music industry, people want you to use drugs, so it would be easy for them to manipulate, control and take advantage of you for their selfish reasons. After I left this world, I was first replaced with a clone, which showed for the first time that it was not human on American Idol Show, on March 8, 2018, it moved her throat like a frog. The second time on October 25, 2022 my replacement clone malfunctioned at a Concert in Las Vegas, Nevada in United States,, it’s right eye started to close on her, and she was pressing on the cheek to make it go back to normal, it took some time.

The Dark Ones planned and set up an interview to explain on what happened that day. They tried to make it look like this was a normal thing, the clone Katy Perry was able to willingly close only her right eye, while at the same time the woman, who was interviewing her was also able to do the same thing, except she was only closing her left eye. So you should ask yourself, on what are the chances that the person, who was asking her questions, was able to do the same thing and only close one of her eyes? It’s almost zero chance, they were both clones.

The Galactic Light Forces destroyed last year the advanced facility for clones. The Negative Ones only had the very basic and primitive clones left, today none of them are working, so the Dark Controllers are forced to replace of one their own with lookalike negative humans. As it was mentioned in previous messages, the real Joe Biden left his body 4 years ago from a heart attack. He was replaced with on older and similar dark human, who is 88 years old. Just like Kate Middleton, who was forced out of her body towards the end of last year from cancer, as it was mentioned in the Princess Diana’s message.

The new Kate Middleton recently made her public appearance. She is not the only, who is gone from the Royal Family, Charles III is also no longer on this planet, cancer finished him too last year, as usual he has been replaced with a fake one. Many do not know this, that Bill Gates is also not the real one, the original one left his human body 5 years ago, due to heart complications from a cardiac arrest. This one is probably going to surprise most people. The dark prime minister Benjamin
Netanyahu of Israel is also not the original one. The real one was assassinated 10 years ago, but his assassin was eliminated, before he could spread the information, that he was successful in his mission.

The Israeli’s negative government was able to hide this from the public and the world by replacing him with another human with a dark soul, that has similarities in appearance to the original one. The strange thing about this is, that the imposter Netanyahu is only the prime minister of the country, he is not the president of Israel, and yet he has been given so much power, and he acts like he is in charge.

The Katy Perry, who is living and singing today in your world, it’s not me, she is now a negative human that looks like me. As you can see the Dark Controllers on your planet have filled your world with many lies and are pretending like it’s business as usual, while in reality, it’s not all. What you see on the cover, it doesn’t mean this is the real picture, look underneath the surface and you will see for yourself, on how everything in this reality got twisted and distorted by Darkness. This is why the time is approaching, when all of it will disappear into nothingness. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Accept my Supreme Love.

Be the Light
Katy Perry
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces
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Everywhere you go around that music industry, people want you to use drugs, so it would be easy for them to manipulate, control and take advantage of you for their selfish reasons. After I left this world, I was first replaced with a clone, which showed for the first time that it was not human on American Idol Show, on March 8, 2018, it moved her throat like a frog.



The second time on October 25, 2022 my replacement clone malfunctioned at a Concert in Las Vegas, Nevada in United States,, it’s right eye started to close on her, and she was pressing on the cheek to make it go back to normal, it took some time.



The Dark Ones planned and set up an interview to explain on what happened that day. They tried to make it look like this was a normal thing, the clone Katy Perry was able to willingly close only her right eye, while at the same time the woman, who was interviewing her was also able to do the same thing, except she was only closing her left eye.

So you should ask yourself, on what are the chances that the person, who was asking her questions, was able to do the same thing and only close one of her eyes? It’s almost zero chance, they were both clones.



other clones

Joe Biden- not clone but replace by a older person who look like him
The real Joe Biden left his body 4 years ago from a heart attack. He was replaced with on older and similar dark human, who is 88 years old.

Kate Middleton and Charles III
Just like Kate Middleton, who was forced out of her body towards the end of last year from cancer, as it was mentioned in the Princess Diana’s message.

The new Kate Middleton recently made her public appearance. She is not the only, who is gone from the Royal Family, Charles III is also no longer on this planet, cancer finished him too last year, as usual he has been replaced with a fake one.

Bill Gates
Many do not know this, that Bill Gates is also not the real one, the original one left his human body 5 years ago, due to heart complications from a cardiac arrest.

Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel
The dark prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel is also not the original one. The real one was assassinated 10 years ago, but his assassin was eliminated, before he could spread the information, that he was successful in his mission.

The Israeli’s negative government was able to hide this from the public and the world by replacing him with another human with a dark soul, that has similarities in appearance to the original one. The strange thing about this is, that the imposter Netanyahu is only the prime minister of the country, he is not the president of Israel, and yet he has been given so much power, and he acts like he is in charge.