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Celebrities who died in 2022


Celebrities (and a few other public figures) that died in 2022. The image was created by Chris Barker




While it's unfortunately that some of our favorite celebrities have passed this year. We must also remember the gullible shitskin clients who were tricked and later chopped up by the evil scheming bitch @ginfreely aka Gan Shiok Bin


View attachment 171770
While it's unfortunately that some of our favorite celebrities have passed this year. We must also remember the gullible shitskin clients who were tricked and later chopped up by the evil scheming bitch @ginfreely aka Gan Shiok Bin
Tell evil filthy lies of me is your Jeremy Quek favorite Cantonese son of whore way to win whereas I hokkien state facts to win. So same as Indian kt latha slut accusing me a virgin as slut indeed. Pui!View attachment 171799