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CCPee hates this picture, I wonder why?


Alfrescian (Inf)


Alfrescian (Inf)
ATB buay song she was disqualified despite she cheated. Typical tiong 野蛮无理 behavior.


syed putra

I can sympathise with her after years of training to screw up like that. If sge had eon, its suto qualification to the olympics next year in gay paree. The city of romance and love!.


Alfrescian (Inf)
ATB buay song she was disqualified despite she cheated. Typical tiong 野蛮无理 behavior.

Tiong athletes not getting a gold medal for their 祖国 is a serious political problem. It's not merely just a sports problem. The trainer, family members etc will be invited for 'tea sessions'.

That's the kind of country it is. :cool: