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CCP Party Website realized that there is no such thing as "Peaceful Rising" for China! War or War, absolutely no alternative!

war is best form of peace

我早就直接说了: 什么鸡败 "和平崛起" 的 思维都在脱裤放屁! 绕大圈子打自己嘴巴! 早晚都无可避免打一场第三次世界大战! 现在中国共产党党报自己发现明白了 老子一直强调的真理了!
天下从来没有强国能 他妈的 "和平崛起" ! 五千年历史的中国人应该最清楚! 文明个屌?! 再他们"文明"就要被打,而且是强者把弱者先动手揍! 因为你不动手他急坏了! 它早死万死都是死,打你不打你也是死! 你还不打=他先打死了算了! 吓折腾啥膣屄"和平"啊?

环球时报:中国现在已树大招风 军力弱不得

2019年04月30日 08:52 环球时报 7,136   


瑞典斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所(SIPRI)29日发表年度报告显示,全球2018年的军费支出达到30年来的新高,总计18000亿美元。其中美国独占鳌头,占了全球军费支出的36%。   中国这些年的国防支出一直稳居全球第二,中方公布的2018年国防支出是11069亿元,占GDP的1.23%。2019年的国防预算为11899亿元,较上年增加7.5%,略高于当年GDP的计划增幅。   西方研究机构一般都高估中国的军费,SIPRI宣称中国2018年国防支出占GDP的1.9%,远高于中方公布的数字。SIPRI给出的其他几个军费大国2018年国防支出的GDP占比是:美国3.2%,沙特8.8%,印度2.4%,法国2.3%,俄罗斯3.9%,英国1.8%。   中国的国防支出多不多呢?按照GDP占比看,显然不多。美国要求北约盟国的军费都要达到GDP的2%,而中国离这个比例尚有距离。如果用人均的国防支出来对比,中国的军费就更显少了。   美国等一些国家当然希望中国的军费越少越好,它们经常从中国已经是世界第二军费大国的角度进行炒作,不过这种炒作并未对中国军事建设产生实际阻碍,中国的军力一直按照自己的节奏稳步发展。   最重要的是中国国内要了解中国安全形势的变化,支持国家的国防建设正常加速,坚决拒绝审视这个问题的民粹主义视角,不被那些试图干扰中国国防事业的西方舆论带了节奏。   要看到,随着中国崛起,美国将中国定位成战略竞争对手,其各种对华胁迫性行动将会在未来增多。中国的军力水平怎么样,一旦出现危机时中国的战略意志能否有足够的军事支撑力,是美方设计对华政策、甚至决定是否发起一项挑衅时的主要考量之一。   有人说,不打仗,军队用不上,昂贵的军事装备就是摆设。这种看法是严重错误的。中国每天都在使用自己的军事力量,那些力量产生的威慑力在持续参与塑造外部世界的对华态度,一分钟也没有离开视中国为对手的国际力量的视野。   一个家庭富裕了,安全措施就要跟上。一个国家更是如此。中国随着财富的积累,必须将更多的财力转化为强大的国防能力,军费的GDP占比在全世界被用来描述一个国家的国防状态,是有道理的。如果一个国家的财富增加了,国防能力却停滞不前,它就有成为各种“劫掠”目标的风险。所以军力弱不一定就有助于和平,反而更可能招来战争。   中国的国防政策是防御型的,因而总体是温和的。中国军费的GDP占比在大国中很低,原因是中国没有以军事力量为先导开展地区乃至全球扩张的意愿。中国与世界打交道的主要方式就是发展互利共赢的经贸合作,遇到问题用协商的方式解决,中国有了航母后去轰炸一个遥远的对立国家,或者向它发胁迫性的最后通牒,在今天的中国人看来是不可思议的事情。   文无第一,武无第二,由于头号超级大国美国已视中国为主要战略竞争对手,防止美国的对华军事胁迫是中国国防建设的长期使命。中国没有、也不追求可以主动出击挑战美国的军事能力,但我们必须建立起足以让美国也不敢在西太平洋攻击中国核心利益的国防力量。在未来它有可能不再是中国国家安全的上限,而成为一条基线。   美国要的是全球霸权安全,而中国要的是真正的国家安全,它也是全体中国人事业和生活的最外部的一道屏障。我们没有退路,必须要让这道屏障越来越强。 关键字 : 军力军费中国解放军

Original title: Social commentary: China has already made a big move, and its military power is weak.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) published an annual report on the 29th, showing that global military spending in 2018 reached a new high in 30 years, totaling $1.8 trillion. Among them, the United States is the leader, accounting for 36% of the global military expenditure. China’s defense spending in these years has consistently ranked second in the world. China’s defense spending in 2018 is 110.69 billion yuan, accounting for 1.23% of GDP. The defense budget for 2019 was 1,198.9 billion yuan, an increase of 7.5% over the previous year, slightly higher than the planned increase in GDP for the year. Western research institutions generally overestimate China's military spending. SIPRI claims that China's defense spending in 2018 accounts for 1.9% of GDP, much higher than the figures announced by China. The other GDP of the major military spending countries given by SIPRI in 2018 is: 3.2% in the US, 8.8% in Saudi Arabia, 2.4% in India, 2.3% in France, 3.9% in Russia, and 1.8% in the UK. China’s defense spending is not much? According to the GDP ratio, it is obviously not much. The United States requires NATO allies to reach 2% of GDP, and China is still far from this ratio. If we compare the defense spending per capita, China’s military spending will be even less. Some countries, such as the United States, certainly hope that China’s military spending will be as small as possible. They often speculate from the perspective that China is already the world’s second largest military power. However, this kind of speculation has not actually hindered China’s military construction. China’s military strength has always been in accordance with its own The rhythm is developing steadily. The most important thing is that China needs to understand the changes in China's security situation, support the country's normal national defense construction, and resolutely refuse to examine the populist perspective of this issue. It will not be brought to the rhythm of Western public opinion that tries to interfere with China's national defense. It should be noted that with the rise of China, the United States has positioned China as a strategic competitor, and its various coercive actions against China will increase in the future. How is China's military strength? Whether China's strategic will can have sufficient military support in the event of a crisis is one of the main considerations when the US designs its China policy and even decides whether to launch a provocation. Some people say that if they don't fight, the military can't use them. Expensive military equipment is the display. This view is seriously wrong. Every day, China uses its own military power. The deterrent power generated by those forces continues to participate in shaping the attitude of the outside world, and has not left the vision of China as an opponent's international force in a minute. A family is rich, and security measures must keep up. This is especially true in a country. With the accumulation of wealth, China must transform more financial resources into powerful national defense capabilities. The GDP share of military expenditures is used throughout the world to describe the defense status of a country. It makes sense. If a country’s wealth increases and its defense capabilities stagnate, it risks becoming a “grabbing” target. Therefore, weak military power does not necessarily contribute to peace, but is more likely to attract war. China’s national defense policy is defensive and therefore generally mild. The GDP share of China's military spending is very low in the big countries because China does not have the willingness to expand regionally and globally with military power as the forerunner. The main way for China to deal with the world is to develop mutually beneficial and win-win economic and trade cooperation. When problems are solved by negotiation, China has an aircraft carrier to bomb a distant opposition country or send it a coercive ultimatum. Today The Chinese seem to be incredible. There is no first in the text, and Wu has no second. Because the number one superpower, the United States, has regarded China as its main strategic competitor, preventing the US military coercion against China is the long-term mission of China's national defense construction. China does not and does not pursue military capabilities that can take the initiative to challenge the United States, but we must build a national defense force that will prevent the United States from attacking China’s core interests in the Western Pacific. In the future, it may no longer be the upper limit of China's national security, but become a baseline. What the United States wants is global hegemonic security, and what China wants is true national security. It is also the outermost barrier for the cause and life of all Chinese people. We have no retreat, we must make this barrier stronger and stronger. Keywords : military force, Chinese People's Liberation Army


USA got the highest potential of nuking China thoroughly - when they found out that they had lost everything in every way, in their final Checkmate moment. The highest potential president for this cause is none other than Dotard. Fucking Big Ego moron fill up by shit and foolish pride. Even Joe Biden got similar potential. It is called the loser's jealousy ending. Die together type suicide bomber psychology. Japanese WW2 Kamikase suicide dive bombers the same. When they know the war is lost and they will be ending up to do Samirai Suicide Ritual sooner or later, might as well die with as many enemies as possible at the final battle.