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CCP Huang Yanzhong says in 10 years the West will be brought to its knees b/c long-Covid. ROFL...


Why must they speak like that? When an ah Beng speaks English, it sound like a helicopter.
This guy's speaks putonghua, sounds like a diesel engine on a truck.


Alfrescian (Inf)
As I've mentioned before, the world will be a better, safer place when China gets smashed up into smaller pieces like the former Yugoslavia.

Once the mainland Tiongs are embroiled in their petty backyard squabbles and skirmishes, they will leave us alone.


What a fucking idiotic CCP clown! Also he looks like a shorty, small stature. Those types are the biggest bastards with the biggest chip on their shoulders. :biggrin:
Sometimes I wonder why CCP still want zero covid policy at all costs, knowing they will tank their whole economy. It makes no logical sense. Unless... they know more than the west do not know... because they created this virus as a bioweapon....


Old Fart
Sometimes I wonder why CCP still want zero covid policy at all costs, knowing they will tank their whole economy. It makes no logical sense. Unless... they know more than the west do not know... because they created this virus as a bioweapon....
I was speaking with a chink business associate, she said this proves their government cares more for the people than money. Unlike the pap. I was speechless, because she was right, the part about the pap. :biggrin:


I was speaking with a chink business associate, she said this proves their government cares more for the people than money. Unlike the pap. I was speechless, because she was right, the part about the pap. :biggrin:
Just now I wechat my Tiong Shanghai business friend. He kpkb about Xi Jin Ping stupid Covid Zero policy. Lol. :roflmao:


Tell him to gather a few mates and start a revolution! The americans and brits will provide the financial and military support. :biggrin:
Please lor. All they care about is property and stock market. All fuck Xi but hoping CCP pump more support into stock market to save their assets.