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CCP are Building Fast Fascade Infra: Fake Fire Extinguishers, Hydrantsm Safety Helments & Life-Saving Equipment Has Become Mere Decoration in China


A car owner had received a gift fire extinguisher from a 4S store when purchasing his vehicle, only to discover that it was fake. Recently, a video from a fire drill conducted by a certain organization in China has gone viral. In the video, a woman can be seen trying to extinguish a fire pile with the extinguisher, but to no avail. Netizens commented that this was a typical example of a counterfeit product made in China. Some even remarked that it was a good thing this was just a drill; had it been used in a real fire, the consequences would have been disastrous.


Hello... for those Christians Christmas gifts...
angmoh want cheap Christmas presents ... Chinese are merely supply cheap fake things for them...

Nice keng to make new fake things for US and North hemisphere West.. Christmas gifts...


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wow, Tiongs got sell many brands of fire extinguishers.

Search for 中国 手提式干粉灭火器.

SCDF should buy some and try.




Hello... for those Christians Christmas gifts...
angmoh want cheap Christmas presents ... Chinese are merely supply cheap fake things for them...

Nice keng to make new fake things for US and North hemisphere West.. Christmas gifts...

Well done CCP, china is already a developed and first world country. Please continue to support CCP by buying "cheap fake" chinese medicine for your love ones.


Well done CCP, china is already a developed and first world country. Please continue to support CCP by buying "cheap fake" chinese medicine for your love ones.

Made to order on demand from vendors...

Made in China... a factory world to make anything vendors want, including fake opium ....

Reminder, how China has to resort to make own pure opium to end the opium war with evil BE....

evil BE use arbiturate poisons mixed with only 10% pure opium... that's evil....

China has to make pure opium to compete with evil BE price... until it becomes unprofitable for evil BE to sell... pure opium does not cause fatal health issue to the smokers .... do you want some to try?

China pure opium brand was 得罪天上牌子... the Chinese say even they have to offend God just have to do it... sorry God...

If evil BE opium was pure opium, Chinese will rebrand it to export to the West, India, Japan and the 八国联军国家 对吗.... through BRI silk road... why not?

It is because evil BE product was arbiturate of poisons the Chinese don't want to resale and re- export out ... 不能 害死人... then fall into evil BE bobby trap blamed China for poisoned the world... 没良心的事不能做....

This fire extinguisher products does not cause health problems... if so, the Chinese don't touch it... check the vendor order list who asked China to make this?

Tioboh hope this helps....


China has to make pure opium to compete with evil BE price... until it becomes unprofitable for evil BE to sell... pure opium does not cause fatal health issue to the smokers .... do you want some to try?
You are selling pure opium?What's your price per gramme?


This fire extinguisher products does not cause health problems... if so, the Chinese don't touch it... check the vendor order list who asked China to make this?

Tioboh hope this helps....

Fire extinguisher is not food, why do you link it with health problem? Did your school teachers taught you what is a fire extinguisher? Do you know what are the issues a fake fire extinguisher will cause?