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Catholic Church fucked arses and wanted to keep quiet


Alfrescian (Inf)
I guessed they failed to keep matters private enough. Someone must have wikileaked the church.

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Is Catholicism truly a Christiaan??

When most people hear the term “Christian,” they automatically think of Catholicism. However, Catholics are not considered Christians by many other religions. So why is Catholic not considered Christian?

They do not follow Bible but their own man-made doctrines

Singapore Dancing Spirit

Catholic Church Altar buys in action


They may run a Gay Pride inside the Church.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
@JohnTan our resident cat-alco-holic, must be butt hurt reading this thread. Pun intended.

Tell us JT, when were you deflowered? And by which archbishop?

Tell us why you follow a pedophile as your prophet. Your own scriptures confirms that mahomet was a pedophile. Are you a pedophile too?


If you followed the prophets in the Bible, moslems today wouldn't be denying that Israel ever existed.
Just as Zionists say Palestine do not exist, Orthodox (Purists) Jews practising monotheistic Judaism, they too denied Jews are entitled to a homeland.