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Castration for the treatment of prostate cancer was such an important advance that it earned Charles Huggins a Nobel Prize in 1966




Removal of male hormones and simultaneous treatment with female hormones is called castration indeed.
May all the evil dirty men here and out there doing defamation crimes to me and harassing me hokkien virgin as slut whore mistress get prostate cancer and be castrated. That’s called justice. Amen.


May I ask your ex husband LanJiao is how long?

When you first held his Lanjiao, do you feel excited?
May you Cantonese dog son of SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT AND SELF ADMITTED VISIT LASUP MASSAGE JOINT AND SELF ADMITTED ADULTERER WITH CHEAP DAO TAO USE MARRIED MISTRESS FOR EASY EXIT STRATEGY HIDING IN RAT DO defamation crimes to me and harassing me hokkien virgin as slut whore mistress get prostate cancer and be castrated. That’s called justice. Amen.


May you Cantonese dog son of SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT AND SELF ADMITTED VISIT LASUP MASSAGE JOINT AND SELF ADMITTED ADULTERER WITH CHEAP DAO TAO USE MARRIED MISTRESS FOR EASY EXIT STRATEGY HIDING IN RAT DO defamation crimes to me and harassing me hokkien virgin as slut whore mistress get prostate cancer and be castrated. That’s called justice. Amen.
Why u shy and scared to answer is it?