<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR>Aug 3, 2009
</TR><!-- headline one : start --><TR>Eurasians a role model <!--10 min-->
</TR><!-- headline one : end --><!-- Author --><TR><TD class="padlrt8 georgia11 darkgrey bold" colSpan=2>By Zakir Hussain
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Mr Yeo, made the comparison on Monday in an off-the-cuff speech that underlined the importance of giving fair and equal treatment to every community in multi-ethnic Singapore. -- PHOTO: AFP
<!-- START OF : div id="storytext"-->MORE than 20 years ago, Eurasians here felt 'they were not treated in a sufficiently respectful way,' said Foreign Minister George Yeo.
Many packed their bags and left for places like Australia.
=> Isn't this what Sporns are doing now?
Today, that sense of resentment is replaced by a new spirit, he noted.
So proud are people to be known as Eurasian that rules were relaxed to let parents in mixed marriages decide whether to describe their child as Eurasian during Primary One registration, he added.
Mr Yeo, who represents the community's interests in the Cabinet, made the comparison on Monday in an off-the-cuff speech that underlined the importance of giving fair and equal treatment to every community in multi-ethnic Singapore.
He was speaking at a National Day observance ceremony that marks a first, in which all four self-help groups here came together to celebrate the nation's birth 44 years ago.
It was held at the Eurasian Community House in Ceylon Road.
The four ethnic-based groups are the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC), Mendaki, Singapore Indian Development Association (Sinda) and Eurasian Association (EA).
Mr Yeo also said the heightened morale of the Eurasian community 'is in a way a measure of the morale of Singapore as a whole - a measure of our health as a multiethnic society'.
Read the full story in Tuesday's edition of The Straits Times.
</TR><!-- headline one : start --><TR>Eurasians a role model <!--10 min-->
</TR><!-- headline one : end --><!-- Author --><TR><TD class="padlrt8 georgia11 darkgrey bold" colSpan=2>By Zakir Hussain
</TD></TR><!-- show image if available --><TR vAlign=bottom><TD width=330>
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Mr Yeo, made the comparison on Monday in an off-the-cuff speech that underlined the importance of giving fair and equal treatment to every community in multi-ethnic Singapore. -- PHOTO: AFP
<!-- START OF : div id="storytext"-->MORE than 20 years ago, Eurasians here felt 'they were not treated in a sufficiently respectful way,' said Foreign Minister George Yeo.
Many packed their bags and left for places like Australia.
=> Isn't this what Sporns are doing now?
Today, that sense of resentment is replaced by a new spirit, he noted.
So proud are people to be known as Eurasian that rules were relaxed to let parents in mixed marriages decide whether to describe their child as Eurasian during Primary One registration, he added.
Mr Yeo, who represents the community's interests in the Cabinet, made the comparison on Monday in an off-the-cuff speech that underlined the importance of giving fair and equal treatment to every community in multi-ethnic Singapore.
He was speaking at a National Day observance ceremony that marks a first, in which all four self-help groups here came together to celebrate the nation's birth 44 years ago.
It was held at the Eurasian Community House in Ceylon Road.
The four ethnic-based groups are the Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC), Mendaki, Singapore Indian Development Association (Sinda) and Eurasian Association (EA).
Mr Yeo also said the heightened morale of the Eurasian community 'is in a way a measure of the morale of Singapore as a whole - a measure of our health as a multiethnic society'.
Read the full story in Tuesday's edition of The Straits Times.