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Car gas tank explosion. Kym?


A flash occurred in a gas cylinder installed in a Nexia-3 car at a gas filling station

On February 25, 2023, at 11:00 a.m., at the gas filling station belonging to "Kamalak" LLC, which is located on Bedil Street of Hunarmandlar MFY, Samarkand city, the worker of the station lived in Gulabad MFY, Pastdargom district, 1980 MZ, the driver came to this station to fill compressed gas in 1994 -yt While filling the Nexia-3 car driven by HD with gas, a flash occurred as a result of the bursting of the gas cylinder installed in the trunk.

As a result of the accident, the worker of LLC MZ received burn injuries and died on the spot.

The preliminary inquiry is being conducted in connection with this situation.