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CAQ says you are a racist if you do not like the CECA agreement


Old Fart

Opposition veered into racial territories by questioning CECA Agreement.
Thanks for the reference source.

So when the opposition does not say anything, the pap criticises them for laying low, for being quiet, and for not taking a position. And when they do, the pap accuses them of stirring up resentment to gain political advantage, for deliberately creating tension, and dividing our society.

In a nutshell, FUCK THE PAP LAH!:FU:

syed putra

Sinkies not taking advantage of ceca agreement.
Think of how many kway chup you can sell in india. Our hawkers would be billionaires if they had the vision.


Thanks for the reference source.

So when the opposition does not say anything, the pap criticises them for laying low, for being quiet, and for not taking a position. And when they do, the pap accuses them of stirring up resentment to gain political advantage, for deliberately creating tension, and dividing our society.

In a nutshell, FUCK THE PAP LAH!:FU:
They are the winner lah. What can opposition do??


Guess who is the party that keeps coming out with racist national policies?

Ans: PAP!
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Alfrescian (Inf)
We may not like it, but she likes it. She likes it a lot.

And that's all that matters.
