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CAQ gives advice to Biden and Xi. Who the fuck he thinks he is?


Alfrescian (Inf)
a big deal skolar who has never do biz b4 can advise seasoned bizmen how 2 run their biz ...

similarly, a small cuntry gump can oso teach big cuntries goons ...

sinkies r smartest in ze world ... n dey r never selfish in dispensing unsolicited advice 2 others ... ze world shud b gr8ful 2 haf sinkie species ...


Alfrescian (Inf)
a big deal skolar who has never do biz b4 can advise seasoned bizmen how 2 run their biz ...

similarly, a small cuntry gump can oso teach big cuntries goons ...

sinkies r smartest in ze world ... n dey r never selfish in dispensing unsolicited advice 2 others ... ze world shud b gr8ful 2 haf sinkie species ...

Your typical 官二代, who would have been a literal nobody had it not been for his daddy.

He thinks he's entitled to running the country. :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Richest politician in the world, voice tend to be louder. Whether he has any substance, Sinkies know better.