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CAQ aka Angmorika running dog agrees to suck Biden's cock.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Nothing to do with sucking America's cock, China is a menace to regional peace and security. Even some of China's supposed allies are rethinking their relationship with China now. :biggrin:

Loong still wants to makan both sides. :wink:


Government workers want to see tiktok for what, eat snakes or jiakleowbee only...

Give them Motorola pagers device is enough. Then go public phone booth to make calls...


Alfrescian (Inf)
China is such a fucked up country, even when South Korea and Japan are having a diplomatic meeting, also not happy. :rolleyes:



Can ban any devices with Bluetooth V5.0 app to all government workers...

Ban robot vaccum cleaners with Bluetooth enabled as well..