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Cantonese dog son of chicken @cat aka @nanospeed use my particulars from address to occupation to spin lies defame Gansiokbin as 骚浪贱with LJ McCully


For example, a woman accountant has a AMDK boss, why she will act very 骚浪贱?
Tsk tsk look at your evil shameless lies defaming Gansiokbin when the opposite is the truth I didn’t even talk to LJ McCully anything beyond work. My story is well document and yet you Cantonese dog son of chicken hide in rat hole spamming evil filthy lies 无中生有Pui!


Tsk tsk look at your evil shameless lies defaming Gansiokbin when the opposite is the truth I didn’t even talk to LJ McCully anything beyond work. My story is well document and yet you Cantonese dog son of chicken hide in rat hole spamming evil filthy lies 无中生有Pui!
Whole SFC can testify the truth is the opposite of what you painted to defame Gansiokbin. @cat aka @NanoSpeed you Cantonese dog son of chicken think you can spam posts and threads defaming Gansiokbin with zero consequences Knnbccb may you and your descendants be gangraped Pui!


Whole SFC can testify the truth is the opposite of what you painted to defame Gansiokbin. @cat aka @NanoSpeed you Cantonese dog son of chicken think you can spam posts and threads defaming Gansiokbin with zero consequences Knnbccb may you and your descendants be gangraped Pui!
@cat 你广东狗做坏事是叫格局大? Pui!

Thread '为什么有些新加坡女生见到老外就变得骚浪贱?'


@cat 你广东狗做坏事是叫格局大? Pui!

Thread '为什么有些新加坡女生见到老外就变得骚浪贱?'
Now we all know new media is made up of such dogs like @cat with Cantonese grandfather that teach them to judge and persecute women and no need to care right or wrong. Don’t swear to die a violent death can Liao as long as not their own precious family women can trample song song aka rapist murderers mentality.


Now we all know new media is made up of such dogs like @cat with Cantonese grandfather that teach them to judge and persecute women and no need to care right or wrong. Don’t swear to die a violent death can Liao as long as not their own precious family women can trample song song aka rapist murderers mentality.
To be precise judge hokkien virgin with annulled marriage as slut chicken and then use your particulars to spin stories to defame song song gao jurong. Good Cantonese teaching from your Cantonese or chap cheng grandfather @cat Pui!!


They don't look similar at all...



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Go ask your SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT Cantonese chicken mother that open leg big big gave birth no teach raised you bastard criminal bully hide in rat hole smear and persecute hokkien virgin as chicken by starting and upping chicken slut whore mistress threads at all times everyday to target me Pui!