First, you shameless despicable Cantonese dog son of prostitute pretend don’t know I already replied you before to apply your stinky Cantonese dog Logic back on yourself and your own cheap family women that until you show me your family Cantonese women virginity certicate if not I am entitled to smear and insult them prostitute.
Second you shameless Cantonese dog son of prostitute sure know how to fit the judgement to your victim of abuse but not youself. You Cantonese dog abuser hide in rat hole to smear and abuse Gansiokbin a hokkien virgin as prostitute “without a single shred of evidence” and “bare assertion” of toxic lies. Pui!
And don’t be so disgusting act victim of my cursing. you Malaysian dog
@nightsafari clone are the one abusing me for years and you deserve not just my cursing but prison term for your abuse and defamation of Gansiokbin. You claim to have good knowledge of legal and should know that and that’s why you Cantonese dog dare not show face to take up my virginity test challenge. Pui!