uncleyap;700714[FONT="Arial" said:]I have several ideas for you to consider:
- Add a remote SQL server paying for only 2 months at the most. Shift SQL there and back after GE.
- Off load SQL db temporarily, make a SQL backup now, purge away historic data keeping only the last 2 month's data, and lighten the load, merge back to backup after GE.
- Add a static mirror, for reading only - can not post, read only, different URL, based in SG, it clones from your real SQL db. divert main traffic here, and only when users hit POST or anything that writes SQL db, that they will be directed to actual server. That mean a kind of quasi reverse-proxy to take the load / hits for READING users. This way lots of readers can read without SQL db errors.
Always seem to have server error late at night. Any bros got this problem? Or issit PAP IB already started their hanky panky actions against Sammyboy like what they are doing to TR?
I've added another 4 gb of memory as the swap file was too large for the existing RAM to cope with.
Should improve things considerably. Let me know how things go tonight.
Very logical step Sam! Bravo I think this would be effective.
So an hour ago I tried to access and found that even your Apache was gone, I confirmed by connecting via USA proxy, I tot your server up lorry already. So it was being added with RAM. Well done! RAM is necessary. I assume your server takes ECC DDR3? They are also not that steep priced any more. Kingston non-ECC value-RAM 4GB is @S$53 approx now. I trust this upgrade will tie us through the GE will less MYSQL down time.
The server has plenty of grunt. It's an E8400 Intel Core 2 Duo 3 GHz machine. The processor load is well withing limits. The problem thus far has been the size of the swap file. The extra memory should help matters considerably.
ok ....all system go
There's no point testing now. It's the peak hour traffic that brings things to a standstill.
The server has plenty of grunt. It's an E8400 Intel Core 2 Duo 3 GHz machine. The processor load is well withing limits. The problem thus far has been the size of the swap file. The extra memory should help matters considerably.