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Canadian Imam: We Have To Raise Our Families On The Idea Of Jihad, Filthy Zionist Jews Decided To Destroy Muslims



Canadian Imam Adnan Abyat In Vancouver Friday Sermon: We Have To Raise Our Families On The Idea Of Jihad; A Bunch Of Filthy Zionist Jews Decided To Destroy Muslims; We Have To Defend Ourselves; Some Muslim Leaders Agree With The Zionists And Want To Destroy Hamas; Muslim Blood Has Become The Cheapest Liquid On Earth​


Canadian imam Adnan Abyat said in his July 19, 2024 Friday sermon in Coquitlam, in the Vancouver, BC area, that Muslim should raise their family and nation on the "idea of Jihad." He said that Muslims must protect themselves. Abyat added: "Enough is enough, Muslim blood has become the cheapest liquid upon this earth." He said that "a bunch of filthy Zionist Jews" have decided to destroy Muslims. Abyat condemned Muslim leaders who agree with the Israeli policy and want to destroy Hamas. He said that if the Muslims abandon Jihad, Allah will humiliate them. The sermon was streamed live on the YouTube channel of Masjid Alhidayah – ISBC (Islamic Society of British Columbia).
Adnan Abyat: "Allah does not change the status of any people, any nation, until they change themselves from the inside. We have to start with ourself, our own family, our own nation, raising them on the idea of Jihad, on the idea of the religion of Allah, it is only becoming... how to defend ourself. How to defend ourself. Because the Muslims have to get up, enough is enough, Muslim blood has become the cheapest liquid upon this earth.



"Every Muslim says: 'You know what? I’m not a terrorist.' Who is the terrorist? A bunch of filthy Zionist Jews, deciding to destroy Muslims and they are doing it willingly with no one stopping them.

"Some Muslim leaders agree with them. They want to destroy Hamas. It is coming from us, shame on us. Muslim countries, even those that are claiming they are against Israel [and that] they are supporting the resistance of the Palestinian people, on the inside, they are supporting Israel and the Zionists.


"When Muslims abandon Jihad for the sake of Allah, Allah will humiliate them, put them down, until they believe that they have no way but to go to Allah.
"Oh Allah, support our mujahideen brothers in Gaza and anywhere Your name is mentioned. Oh Allah, raise their banners and honor them with victory in this world and the Hereafter."